Example sentences of "[verb] [interj] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 To round things off , may we all at say hello and welcome to the new editor of LINK , — hope you enjoy working with us !
2 If anyone ever tries to touch your body in a way which confuses or frightens you , say NO and TELL .
3 I do n't wan na say I 'm not going anyway , you silly bitch and I say bye and put the phone down .
4 Damned if you say yes and damned if you say no . ’
5 So say yes and put us all out of our agony ! ’
6 If she 'd said no and meant it she would have been safe .
7 She says no and plunges right in : that 's her way .
8 Guaranteed the best fun you could have in a London pub , unless George Michael reformed Wham and chose the Fulham Greyhound to warm-up for their comeback world tour .
9 Then I skipped the part she says yes and goes and gets her things and all and pictured the two of us in the coach again .
10 This old woman do n't hear the first time , and when I say it again , she just says yes and walks away .
11 Labour urged the Welsh and Scots to ‘ vote yes and take power ’ .
12 I waved goodbye and went round the corner to the wines and spirits .
13 Near here the student hopped out , waved goodbye and disappeared up a side lane .
14 Meredith waved goodbye and watched her set off back the way they had come in the direction of Pook 's stables .
15 He hated the way she said to him , ‘ Tell me tomorrow darling , I must fly now , ’ and the way that when she 'd waved Bye-bye and got into the taxi , she immediately opened her bag and took out her mirror and comb , and did n't look at you again , even if the taxi did n't move for ages , because the man was changing the meter or talking into his radio .
16 They overtake you and then they slow right down so that you have to go oohooh and stop .
17 Anderson chuckled goodbye and crashed on through the bushes , clink-clink-clinking in search of another rabbit hole .
18 This pathway generates NO and plays a significant part in the regulation of resting gall bladder tone and in gall bladder emptying .
19 Still , Melissa was pleasant enough and said Hello and asked if I minded driving them back to the village .
20 I quickly said no and asked Jammie if I could tell Helen what was happening .
21 Little mouse has come to say hello and welcome us to the animal show .
22 So on our way to the Rudolf Steiner school we called in unannounced to say hello and thank you .
23 Tell him Ronni called — just to say hello and to give him my love .
24 I only came to say good-bye and thank you for a lovely day . ’
25 Equally some parents in the study quoted above , wanted to say good-bye and relinquish their children in a positive sense .
26 She said yes and went to dress , stepping around the bag without commenting on it .
27 I said yes and said the prayer of repentance and commitment which he prayed with me .
28 I said yes and gave it to him .
29 He took his glass back to the bar glancing at his wristwatch as a reason for not buying another said good-night and ambled towards the street .
30 They all wanted to say hallo and shake my hand .
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