Example sentences of "[verb] [Wh det] they [adv] " in BNC.

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1 To identify classes you have to go back to the intentional properties of individuals — to the judgments , desires and aspirations which are essential to explaining what they then do in the class struggle .
2 The question that must be answered is : will the exercise of curriculum review be a hollow one , resulting in schools simply justifying what they currently do , or becoming frustrated by their inability to follow through the consequences of their thinking ?
3 Research that where they 're looking at how to convey the message from advancing and sales and people getting erm interviews getting into jobs what they say what they how they stand even how they 've looked and so on .
4 A team creates a supportive atmosphere where people are happy to go at risk , say what they really think , develop one another 's ideas and commit to an agreed course of action even though there may have been differences of opinion .
5 He gives me all different kinds and though I do n't know what they actually are , they all taste good and I appreciate the variety .
6 What a good talking point , people did n't know what the G M B was , did n't know what they actually truly stood for with all the publicity what we do , all the good work we do lately , locally .
7 I do n't know what they really want . ’
8 Do you know what they always think is selfishness ?
9 Monolithic detoxification regimes , when viewed from the patient 's perspective , appear what they really are-insensitive and inflexible .
10 Others have had two or three years of primary schooling but , without access to written materials , many of these have forgotten what they once learnt .
11 Right we 've got half an hour so right what else do they build which they never used to build ..
12 On the Unionist side men who had been fed with the heady talk of absolute resistance mobilized to resist what they now saw as the sell-out of the Southern Irish Unionists .
13 When asked to identify what they most liked about their Clios , the answers given by customers were as follows :
14 But both sides knew it finally confirmed what they already knew .
15 She watched while her friend began what they both called her tiger prowl , that compulsive pacing up and down , head lowered , hands sunk in her dressing-gown pockets .
16 The decision in Lingens edges Europe closer to the US " public figure " doctrine , in which journalists are free to publish what they honestly believe about important persons .
17 Then at the end of the scene we noticed the Indians were n't doing what they normally did which was stick their poles in to stop the raft .
18 Again we see the same anxiety : social stability depended crucially on people staying just as they were ( identity ) , where they were ( location ) , and doing what they always had done ( calling ) .
19 In other words not sitting there and asking people to , erm people in authority , erm sort of people of influence , ask them what they think , but actually going out and visiting people and groups , and I was going to ask whether this would be copied to the women 's sub-committee , because there are many , many groups of women who never have a chance of saying what they really want , and I do n't mean patients , I mean potential users of the health service .
20 Mr. Leggatt said the recession had affected the industry to a minimal degree , ‘ When it comes to the last rites people will have what they best feel suits the deceased . ’
21 Established companies , concentrating on defending what they already have , tend not to counter-attack when a newcomer challenges them .
22 I think he started what they now call ‘ method acting ’ .
23 I 've got to decide what I 'm going to say to Mum and Dad — I 've got to picture them , feel what they always make me feel like and somehow change it … speak to them like speaking to a dream , make it my dream instead of their dream …
24 They thought I had made a huge mistake in getting rid of the old collection in preference for collecting what they unanimously regarded as ‘ junk ’ .
25 Erm , and so , but we do need to do that , and I believe the work that you have been doing erm , I do n't know when that 's to be published , er , but will I 'm sure assist us in developing the criteria which will help voluntary organisations to decide what they properly should be doing .
26 Was he trying to say that they could n't recapture what they once had because it had n't existed ?
27 But it means that when they doubt what they often need is not another sermon but more experience , not another answer but deeper questions .
28 If you , if you had to make the tea as many times in the day as us women did which they all did
29 ‘ One thing in particular I noticed was that Liverpool girls do n't mind shelling out the money to get what they really want .
30 As in that one , you 've go you 've got to alter what they actually put there .
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