Example sentences of "[verb] [that] would have " in BNC.

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1 They are thought to have formed by partial melting of subducted oceanic crust — a process that would have been much more widespread early in Earth history than at present , owing to the higher thermal gradients prevailing at that time .
2 The answer is that the advice that should have been given in the circumstances that prevailed on that date was , that if the plaintiffs wished to ignore the contract then they were entitled to serve a completion notice which because the vendor was unable to obtain that would have meant that the vendor would be unable to comply with the completion notice and accordingly the contract would have come to an end .
3 Antonio Crepi , for example , used to give me looks that would have melted a candle .
4 Any partial parse that is rejected will be removed — thereby removing any parse that would have contained this component .
5 GOALKEEPING giant Peter Schmeichel saved referee Brian Hill from a fan attack that would have shamed Manchester United .
6 So they must be paid all arrears of wages , granted full pension rights accruing through continuity of employment , and given any pay increases that would have been their due if they had not been dismissed .
7 Although parts of Sun , such as Sun Federal , have reportedly been flirting with IXI , Sun headquarters has clearly labelled the firm a competitor going so far as to put a last-minute kibosh on a real estate deal that would have moved IXI headquarters in Cambridge , England into Sun UK 's offices as a tenant .
8 In return for financial support , Saatchi acquired an exclusive option to buy Information Consulting that would have to be exercised by June next year .
9 If I 'd known you were coming that would have been different ; I mean , bringing company .
10 Right okay if it was X cubed that would have given me three times too much
11 It was an object lesson in finishing that would have preyed on the minds of the Belgian team at half time as they reflected on an opening 45 minutes during which it seemed only a matter of time before they took the lead .
12 When the child reached the bottom of the first page the woman darted forward , black hair swinging across her face , for the kind of effortful page turn that would have upstaged Paderewski himself .
13 Uninhibited by any tradition of building , they have taken off in a confused conglomeration of tile , cement , plastics , marble and paint that would have taxed the imagination of Disney .
14 His eyes light up at the recollection of some of the challenges he has tackled that would have daunted the more faint-hearted .
15 The columns which they carry on their backs have more fluting than a respectable column would accept and the Corinthian capitals have swirls and squiggles that would have been prohibited in Corinth .
16 ‘ Anybody watching that would have said I was a rapist and you were being raped . ’
17 The Sunday Citizen explained his enthusiasm for the Profumo affair because of a long-cherished personal grudge against Profumo and of having unearthed a juicy scandal by snooping that would have done credit to a divorce detective .
18 This lacks credibility for two reasons : first , there is no evidence to prove Hollis was a Russian mole , and second , no investigations were ever planned that would have tracked down any of these spies , despite the fact that they all displayed behaviour patterns that were highly suspicious , until a defector alerted MI5 .
19 This year Benskins came back with a demand for a £5,000 a year increase that would have taken John 's annual rent to £23,000 plus £100 a week for the business rate .
20 As they involved a great deal of the same work to bring them into effect — work that would have taken a considerable time — and would have imposed further contingent or actual liabilities on funds at a time when there was already considerable anxiety because of the uncertainty over the Barber judgment —
21 But I do not mean to suggest either , he wrote , that it was all waiting and no doing , all sitting and no action , for though it was impossible to tell when the beginning would come , indeed , he wrote , there could not have been a real beginning if it had been possible to tell , for if it had been possible to tell that would have meant that there had already been a beginning , no , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , occasionally things were done , work was begun , though it was soon abandoned , it added up to nothing , it only showed me that I had been mistaken in thinking that I had indeed started .
22 She was behaving with unaccustomed grandeur , slipping on a manner of authority and calm that would have made her mother laugh , if she had not wanted to cry .
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