Example sentences of "[verb] [that] it must " in BNC.

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1 How much money went with this is not known but the scale of the ruins — the shell of the reactor is still visible — suggest that it must have been several million dollars even in 1950s prices , perhaps 1 per cent of the gross national product of Argentina , or roughly the equivalent of a whole year 's research budget for a developed country .
2 We get out of the car , stomp round to the wheel , look at it , kick it , swear , look at our watch , feel guilty about not having left enough time to cope with the unexpected , open the boot , bang our head on it , swear again , wonder whether it would n't be better to walk to the phone , decide to change the wheel ourselves , lose one of the nuts and eventually arrive at the meeting half an hour late in a filthy temper , and take up the next five minutes explaining that it must have been a sharp chipping off one of those construction lorries and they overload them to save money and they ought to do something about it …
3 Even advocates of the doctrine acknowledge that it must be exercised within defined limits , and not be allowed to serve as a facade for the furtherance of the intervening State 's own ends .
4 If we think about Freud and his influence it is not hard to find out what he wrote and said , and it is easy to guess that it must have been important .
5 At the time I thought little more about it , but later I realized that it must have been caused by some powerful pain-killing drug .
6 A slow smile spread across his face as he realized that it must be Ace with the Marines .
7 When the gentleman in your office , however , addressed me not as Mrs Maitland , but by my maiden name , which is the one I write under , I realized that it must indeed be me who was being phoned , whereupon it suddenly seemed ( perhaps only by association of ideas ) imperative that I had the means of writing to hand .
8 One would think that it must be a daunting task finding worthy nominees every year .
9 Mrs Singh agreed that it must be the way he forgot things .
10 Historians of the conservative tendency , in rejecting the claims of the leading historians of the popular reform movement , seem to be suggesting that it must have been over-reacting .
11 He would not talk about it , and you knew not to ask more , but you realised that it must have been the time in his life when he most resembled himself .
12 Then she realised that it must be Ianthe Broome , the canon 's daughter they were always talking about , and perhaps in some way a kind of ‘ rival ’ for the affections of a man she had not yet seen .
13 His rounds took him to most parts of the building and Rain was eagerly accepting that it must have been Stan on the second floor making her jumpy when he mentioned that since the murder he did not go into MacQuillan 's room or those next to it because the police were usually there .
14 Clearly , Devlin does not believe this to be possible , whereas Hart insists that it must be .
15 ‘ Though we knew by the place where he had fallen that it must have been at the very summit just as the path runs down the cliff to Kinghorn Manor . ’
16 " As to the fish , everyone agrees that it must be served between the soup and the meat .
17 He termed this new pattern of systematized organization ‘ bureaucracy ’ , and argued that it must progressively supplant all rival systems of administration in a modern society because of its technical superiority in tackling problems and marshalling large-scale activity in a purposeful way .
18 Wheatstone 's work in telegraphy seemed to show that electricity travelled about as fast as light , and Faraday believed that it must go just as fast ; he also believed that gravity must be analogous to other attractive forces , and take time for its propagation , though there was no evidence for this .
19 But none of this is the essence of Mrs Thatcher 's problem which is rather that , on the essential questions of economic management , the government gives the impression either of having lost its momentum or of having decided that it must settle for something well short of what Mrs Thatcher seemed to promise in the way of reducing the size of the public sector and also the burden of taxation .
20 The Government took the opposite view ; but now they have decided that it must be made high profile again . ’
21 She stipulated that it must never have been involved in an accident .
22 According to some sources Egypt 's acceptance of the Baker plan indicated that the PLO leadership had accepted that it must play an " invisible " role in the initial stages of the peace process .
23 It seemed that it must take a long time for such peace to be broken .
24 There was something inside me after all , and whatever it was — to my untutored mind it seemed that it must be exceedingly unpleasant , even hideous — it was not well .
25 They had evolved once , so it seemed that it must be possible to evolve them again .
26 Everyone took it for granted that it must be Oxford or Cambridge .
27 It is said that it must ‘ appear ’ to the minister that there are ‘ reasons ’ for doubting whether the workers are behind their leaders : and that the minister has given no reasons .
28 If the growth of administrative adjudication could not be prohibited , it was argued that it must be regularized by integrating it into the ordinary law of the land , thereby ensuring that it develops in harmony with traditional common law principles .
29 Housing can be a tool of social policy ; in fact it can be argued that it must be , since it is a crucial element in people 's lives and fair access to housing is essential to achieving social justice ( Burke 1981 ) .
30 I seemed to recall that in the past when we 'd met we 'd got on reasonably well , so I assumed that it must have been something that Jennifer had told you that had turned you against me , or , failing that , that you were just embarrassed at having to work with your sister 's ex-fiancé . ’
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