Example sentences of "[verb] [that] it come " in BNC.

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1 In fact , we might have to be reminded that it came from a pig at all .
2 Kate felt inordinately pleased at his offer , even though she was astute enough to know that it came from a desire for any company , rather than hers specifically .
3 Perhaps Mr Henderson , the United States ambassador at Teheran will convey this assurance to the Shah and say that it comes personally from me . "
4 and I found D Y by D X and I found that it came to erm X squared .
5 The noise in the Chamber tonight did not do the House great credit , but I do not think that it came from one side alone .
6 No , I mean that it comes as a surprise when you first experience it , and then after that you ca n't change the course of events .
7 In defence of Maxim 's interpretation , it should be said that it comes closer than usual to the notated metronome marks .
8 It could be argued that it came too late to correct the inequity completely , but at least it was a partial correction .
9 She felt even sorrier for him with that stammer when he went up to read the first lesson , and had to announce that it came from the eighth chapter of Deuteronomy , a word which took him four goes .
10 In 1913 , Mrs. Pember Reeves commented that it came as a shock to realise that working class wives in Lambeth who looked as it they were ‘ in the dull middle of middle age ’ in the 1950s , Viola Klein remarked that women generally looked old at 40 , which may indicate some improvement .
11 And an achene is a small , single-seeded fruit that does not open , which you might mistake for a nut unless you know that it came from a single carpel . )
12 We note that it came top of the apostles ' agenda when the members of the brand new church ‘ devoted themselves to the apostles ’ teaching' ( Acts 2:2 ) .
13 ‘ I have to believe that it comes from angels , or spirit beings . ’
14 You should also call the dog to you when you are wearing the slippers and , assuming that it comes readily to you , make a fuss of it .
15 He saw an arc of blood , and knew that it came from his own neck .
16 ‘ Conveyance ’ can be proved by describing the thing concerned and in cases of difficulty by showing that it comes within the definition of a conveyance as shown as B ( 3 ) ante .
17 So our National Anthem has been about a bit , particularly when you think that it came , probably came from , or was used in , erm a piece of music simply by Haydn .
18 Beaverbrook said that it came from Henderson ; Balfour said that it came from Bonar Law ; Law 's biographer said that it came from Balfour ; and Crewe said that it came from Montagu and Derby .
19 Beaverbrook said that it came from Henderson ; Balfour said that it came from Bonar Law ; Law 's biographer said that it came from Balfour ; and Crewe said that it came from Montagu and Derby .
20 Beaverbrook said that it came from Henderson ; Balfour said that it came from Bonar Law ; Law 's biographer said that it came from Balfour ; and Crewe said that it came from Montagu and Derby .
21 Beaverbrook said that it came from Henderson ; Balfour said that it came from Bonar Law ; Law 's biographer said that it came from Balfour ; and Crewe said that it came from Montagu and Derby .
22 Both these words were used in medieval times ; and we can understand the word knacker as an equivalent for harness-maker when we learn that it comes from an Icelandic root , knakkr , meaning a saddle .
23 The gold was very fine , and , when minted , affected the currency : the Company issued a guinea coin to pay its dividends and had it specially stamped with an elephant to show that it came from Africa .
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