Example sentences of "[verb] [that] [n mass] in " in BNC.

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1 I do not doubt that people in an earlier age may well have thought in terms of the kind of cosmic world picture in terms of which she herself thinks .
2 By the end of the 1980s , it was confidently expected that people in the Soviet Union would enjoy a super-abundance of goods and the leisure time to appreciate them .
3 It is sometimes claimed that people in many cultures are aware of the ill-effects of inbreeding ( Lindzey , 1967 ) , but nobody , as far as I know , has claimed that such knowledge is universal .
4 It found that people in the most polluted of the six cities were still 26 per cent more likely to die than those in the least polluted city .
5 The Landrat of Ebermannstadt in Upper Franconia , frank as usual in his comment , reported that people in his area Were too careful to say such things as ‘ Hitler will give us no peace till everything has had it ’ , but said instead ‘ there wo n't be any peace before … ’ , and meant the same thing .
6 I do not think that people in Cornwall want to allocate blame at the moment , but they do want to ensure that the environmental clean-up is carried out both in the short term and the long term without hold-ups .
7 It is perhaps disappointing to note that over a quarter of the total sample fell into this latter category , and it may be emphasized that staff in libraries of all sizes have training needs .
8 The United States Congress in early November voted to end military aid worth US$4,000,000 to the regime of President Mobutu Sese Seko , a long-standing US ally , and ruled that $40,000,000 in economic aid must be channelled through humanitarian agencies which had no connection with the Zaïrean government .
9 We regret that people in wheelchairs would not be able to gain full benefit from the visit .
10 Finally , I have to report that sales in France have increased by thirty per cent with like for like performance of six per cent on the same period last year .
11 I fear that people in the north have been somewhat misled by the Yorkshire Post and by others .
12 Led by USAID , they argued that people in the Third World were poor because they were having too many children .
13 It has to be said , however , that the way in which Mr. Occhi left the taxi at the end of the journey without further question seems more consistent with his having accepted that £7 in all was the fare to be charged and that he had been induced by the driver 's false representations to part out and out with all the money which he had passively allowed the taxi driver to take from his wallet .
14 ‘ We hope that people in Shetland will realise it is the best way of doing it , ’ he said .
15 He also noted that sales in the first two months of the year are ahead of company budgets , but this failed to help the shares , which closed 30p lower at 143p , having been down 38p at one stage .
16 My hon. Friend the Member for Southwark and Bermondsey ( Mr. Hughes ) has already said that people in central London on relatively low incomes may live in high-value houses .
17 So far , we have argued that people in modern Britain give great importance to their immediate family , that is their husband or wife and children living with them in the same house .
18 It could be argued that people in our region have actually lost confidence in their water , they 've suffered from cryptospyridia , blue-green algae , we 're now in a drought period , how would you reassure the public ?
19 Enough has been revealed about the antics of the Monarchy in the past few weeks to suggest that people in palaces should not be trying to tell the rest of us how to behave .
20 I do not believe that people in Scotland wish to break the Union .
21 A further note shows that 13s. in customs dues was paid on plants imported .
22 IN A report on July 29 concerning Chelsea FC 's midfield star Andy Townsend , we stated that £2.5million in cash for him would be ‘ a huge temptation to Chelsea FC because of its precarious financial position . ’
23 Yes I 'm sorry to hear that people in rank in your particular case were involved
24 But he vowed that people in Glengormley would not be scared into becoming prisoners in their own homes .
25 I was told that people in that city were more concerned about being able to live safely in their homes , not having their cars stolen , and not being burgled or mugged than about unemployment or any of the other big economic issues .
26 Figures they gave us from surveys carried out for the Inter-Bank Research Organisation by the British Market Research Bureau confirmed this , but showed that people in social classes A , B and C1 are still twice as likely to have a bank account as people in social classes D and E , and that the higher someone 's income the greater is the likelihood of their having a bank account .
27 It would be easy for the CAB to assume that people in need of advice and information who do not approach the CAB are served by other agencies .
28 It reveals that people in Whinney Banks and Hardwick are less likely to co-operate with police than in the county as a whole .
29 He said he hoped that I would publish it ‘ as I know that people in general do n't understand the long term effects of child sexual abuse ’ .
30 In addition , it was noted that people in communities that have experienced long-term unemployment are often criticised for lacking the will to work .
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