Example sentences of "[verb] [that] [pers pn] too " in BNC.

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1 The smallest ovals of all , which are very numerous , have life cycles which suggest that they too are in rotary motion .
2 Yet even when they see Japanese methods being successfully introduced to this country , British managers are still reluctant to accept that they too could try co-operation with the workforce in place of confrontation .
3 Meanwhile , many animal rights campaigners acknowledge that they too may have to compromise , particularly in the area of medical research .
4 Montag is astonished to find that they too burn books , however they destroy only the cases which contain the words , the ideas can never be destroyed while they live on inside the people , to be written out once more to give joy after the ‘ Dark Age ’ has passed .
5 The compelling analysis of this anecdote is then shown to have important implications for the reading of some familiar literary text , revealing that it too shares in the cultural presumptions critically uncovered in the anecdote .
6 In a parallel study of 13 junior high and middle schools , Kenneth Tye found that they too were dominated by listening , writing , quizzes and frontal teaching .
7 I myself did not know anything about this and having checked with Gillyan Ford and all Publicity Assistants , found that they too had had no previous indication of the requirement to scan adverts .
8 And when we measured the activity of protein kinase C in the membrane we found that it too increased in activity in the left IMHV thirty minutes after training .
9 She looked a bit uncomfortable , from which Theodora inferred that she too was going to divulge professional information .
10 It would be tremendous if all other industries fought with as much passion : the tragedy being that they have n't yet realised that they too are likely to be as overwhelmingly affected .
11 I have subsequently played more Sega games and have realised that they too are very easy to complete .
12 The more I read of the early months of Nicholas MacMahon the more convinced I became that I too was rearing a prodigy .
13 If other Victorian novelists do not set fire to their great houses with as much frequency as Dickens , they tend in other ways to undermine them , suggesting that they too perceive them , not merely as fabrics , but as expressions of an outmoded system .
14 The two bands near 760 cm -1 and 850 cm -1 are affected only slightly in frequency by the substitution of Br for Cl , suggesting that they too are essentially deformation modes .
15 His grandmother had slumped into a heap but when Asik tried to lift her head he realised that she too had died .
16 During the treason trials Tixier-Vignancour became notorious for a tactic known as ‘ the defence of blackmail ’ when he repeatedly threatened to call eminent witnesses such as General de Gaulle and the Prime Minister Michel Debre , hinting that they too were involved in criminal plots .
17 Mike was waiting for her in the lobby when she came down , and she was pleased to see that he too had dressed as informally as possible in deference to the humidity .
18 Sara insists that she too had no stage fright .
19 Out of the blue , the Scotland midfield schemer Don Masson , who had missed a penalty in the game against Peru , approached McLeod and admitted that he too had taken the banned drug .
20 I trust that you too will consider the idea worthy of a modicum of enthusiasm . ’
21 ‘ It must have been a shock , realising that she too was accountable for what she 'd done . ’
22 He had felt the need , though , to take into account the super-sensitive relations between these two teams , and if the biggest surprise was that he had addressed gentle caution to the English management as well , they having been innocent , faraway onlookers during the shenanigans , it was because he recognised that they too nursed feelings of exasperation and he imagined that they might soon have burst uncontrollably into flames .
23 StorageTek says that it too had put some money up for the development and would have marketed the product even without buying the company — although the Viking was seen as a direct competitor to its own Iceberg , Viking is in fact a simpler device with fewer features .
24 It says that you too — an ugly , little thing — will open your wings and fly .
25 Fragments of this Gorgon 's body show that she too was in the knee-run posture .
26 Before the worst was over and the pound began to depreciate again , some twenty per cent of them had gone for ever , and a further ten per cent were so weakened that they too shut down in the next two years .
27 The following article written by , the editor of the national journal of the NCT ‘ New Generation ’ , struck a chord with the branch committee members , and we hope that you too will want to continue to be part of NCT for at least the year 1991 !
28 The acting returning officer for St Ives says that , to start with , most of the complaints about proxy voting came from the residents of old people 's homes , but that other people have since said that they too were denied a vote .
29 With my feet frozen to the floor , I followed the red lights in the sky until they both disappeared and the two loud bangs which followed signified that they too had come down heavily somewhere .
30 The words had been Sandor 's before he died and Rostov wondered if the assassin had ever suspected that he too was scheduled for termination once he completed his assigned task .
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