Example sentences of "[verb] [that] [pers pn] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 going to do anything , or are suggest that they you know , do the bare nece the bare necessity of work .
2 Equally regrettably , they suggest that she who ( presumably ) approved them is not so much a Pharisee as a Philistine : one , moreover , who has been impressed by too many drives down The Bishop 's Avenue , where Hampstead 's temples to new money are built , en route to the Finchley constituency .
3 You can only , you , you would n't know that it you were hearing a C to a C , you would n't know you were actually hearing a diminished second would you ?
4 I never let nobody know that I I walked home .
5 The Collector had shown such enthusiasm for its hollow wonders that he himself had been tempted and misled ; he had allowed his own small stirrings of doubt , which he recognized now to have been stirrings of conscience , to be smothered .
6 They said a , a normal person living on their own is only entitled to thirty nine pound sixty a week and that 's what I 've got in that book , but I do n't think they realise that I I 'm on me own and I 've got a gas , electricity and everything else to pay out of that
7 er because er her children but erm say that we we did n't want to sort of upset her by erm you know
8 what we 've done , you know say that you we only want to see
9 Er , the comment here the way that I have been used to doing these I found that I I like it and the kids can
10 Drachenfels found that he who listened correctly could see , hear , smell and even taste every act of wickedness that took place within the chambers and warrens of the building .
11 Erm do n't s you know if you 're not a discount man forget that you you just have to say I 'm I 'm gon na use it if I need it .
12 Blemish is simply about creating a bad atmosphere around a person , for example , ‘ What do you think about Jane ? ’ said by someone screwing up their nose — to indicate that they themselves obviously do n't think too highly of her .
13 When he was twelve , his psychic sense blossomed and he realized that he himself was one of those whom he had learned to loathe , taught both by his personal tragedy and by the missionaries .
14 But I do n't think that he himself would see it as a failure at all .
15 Unlike Mr I have always found fox hunting distasteful , I have never participated in it , I have never followed it and I do n't think that I I ever want to and er , I have I am not convinced by either economic or the put forward in its favour .
16 can presume that it it 's going to involve as a whole so it will have some
17 Is that if we took you on if we if we agreed that it my postal wallets might be a good idea for you and you were to delay coming into the er into the company by a week , it could change which company you go into .
18 it 's not just like going going on a bus and but erm my daughter 's very generous and seeing that we we get to her and we spend about three months with her .
19 The the individuals , the the members , to see that we we cared about what what their interests were .
20 to confirm that I I 've heard it somewhere I mean
21 On Oct. 23 Shamir announced that he himself , rather than Foreign Minister David Levi , would lead the Israeli delegation at the conference .
22 Having been reminded that the bookies ' smoke signals usually signify a lot more than just grandiose waves of their Havana cigars , Ramsden then revealed that he himself might have been inadvertantly responsible for the Travelling Light rumour .
23 Walkers pour over National Trust , Forestry Commission and Nature Conservancy information leaflets showing nature trails , with growing scepticism , not realising that they themselves are the problem .
24 In the sixties , polls showed that , even if they believed that they themselves were doing rather well , most British people felt that their country was doing rather badly , and falling further behind foreign competitors .
25 He added that he himself must ‘ inevitably live with the knowledge that I am now more likely to develop cancer ’ .
26 The centurion … commanded that they which could swim should cast themselves first into the sea and get to land .
27 She says that she she lives in a on the estate on the outskirts of Mansfield have you been checking around that area ?
28 Another consequence of the labelling of Impressionism and other groups by critics was that some artists naturally decided that they themselves could do the same job better than the critics .
29 So er it was decided that he it would be one man because he would give a hand .
30 ‘ How near is madness to genius ’ , said Diderot ; while Dr Johnson , confessing that he himself had often been nearly insane , commented that ‘ all power of fancy over reason is a degree of madness ’ .
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