Example sentences of "[verb] [Wh det] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Any consideration of deaf education should begin with the question of levels of achievement in deaf children ; very often in the past , however , there have been intervening arguments proposed which have directed attention from the central purpose of all educators .
2 Wreathed with white wistaria , they are half-hidden behind a ghostly phalanx of variegated osteospermum , Salvia argentea , white allium and a banksiae rose which has managed to escape predatory Wicklow deer .
3 There has been a recent H M I report which has asked some questions about mixed ability teaching and expressed some worries about those teachers who perhaps do n't have the adequate support and preparation for mixed ability teaching , but they are certainly not against it , or the H M I is certainly not against mixed ability teaching .
4 The only tears which are ever shed are those from actions unwittingly committed which have hurt the beloved .
5 ‘ I know it 's a long way , ’ I say , ‘ I do n't even know which line to take on the underground .
6 If I went there I should n't know which bit to aim for .
7 ‘ And so they do n't know which button to push in the lift , ’ laughed the Youngest Son .
8 After a few sessions you will know which weights to use , but you should make sure that the routine is kept up to date .
9 And I do n't know which has nagged at me most , the lack of courage shown by this brave man in fending me off and declining to discuss what he had done , or my lack of courage in declining to write about it .
10 Grant Fox , for instance , was sorely troubled by the allegations that he had been part of an Auckland spearhead which had had Shelford removed , and that his personal failings had been responsible for the indifferent play in Argentina and the loss of the Sydney Test to Australia .
11 We are a nation of voluntary workers and there are so many organisations that it is sometimes difficult to know which to choose to help .
12 Various pressures have resulted in growing professionalisation in climbing which has changed the activity and will continue to change it — probably for the worse .
13 We have a system of local government finance which has concentrated its attention on the poll tax payer , bringing in gearing which has resulted in enormous increases in bills , without any material increase in spending or improvements in services .
14 He carried into 1972 the kind of driving which had made his reputation in 1971 , and if you study the fact-sheets for that year — the inaugural race at Paul Ricard in France is a good example — you will see Emerson well back on the grid and yet prevailing in the end to finish well enough .
15 If a tribunal holds your dismissal to be unfair , it must consider which remedy to grant .
16 to flare up with exertion , i er and it has what 's called a diurnal rhythm so the body 's natural rhythms affect it .
17 The er honourable gentleman 's question appears to be founded on a rather curious premise , er what has what has happened what has happened to electricity prices is that have fallen six percent in real terms over the last two financial years and if he wants to know another interesting statistics I can tell him .
18 What 's happened it 's the world again to use J B Phillips translation this time the Romans twelve two , that , that the world the precious around us has pushed us here and is as dented at there and it squeezed us out of the mould , the purpose the pattern that God had for us , into its own mould , a warped mould , a distorted picture , that has what has happened .
19 Er I very much hope so er that my Noble Friend will recognise what does seem to be the prevailing view in this House on , on your all quarters and all parties and er and will indicate that on most of the points of controversy , not just the but most of them , the Government is prepared to think again , he may even feel that it might be prudent to defer further consideration of the committee stage of this Bill er after today 's sitting er er for a little time and when discussions could and should take place between those who hold different views and er his own very considerable power conciliation er could be used .
20 Although the Critique had been intended to rescue Marxism from the sclerosis of Stalinism , Sartre found that his theory of history , far from explaining what had gone wrong when the most radical political theory turned out in practice to be one of the most oppressive , had rather shown why it had necessarily happened that way .
21 He asked Jonadab if he could buy a replacement , explaining what had happened .
22 But how could he tell Florrie , without explaining what had happened on that night , long ago ?
23 Indeed , well I suppose it was , I did it , I do n't think he got a catch did he Botham , he 's given a leap in the air and he 's now on his knees explaining what 's happened .
24 Enter a modification record explaining what has happened .
25 Create a DC explaining what has happened .
26 Williams has emerged as the unrelenting villain as he patrols what has turned into Fortress Didcot , the race-team HQ , refusing to enlighten the enraged Mansell army on the reasons for their split .
27 All of the other theories to be discussed here can only describe what has happened ; they have no real conception of what the motive force of power or change is in society over time other than to rely on describing the eclectic , indeterminate behaviour of subjective and free individuals .
28 All they do is describe what has happened in the past and guess that the pattern will repeat itself .
29 I had to accept what had happened to me in the past before I could even begin to accept the changes in my life .
30 ‘ I know it 's difficult to accept what has happened , ’ I said in an unctuously compassionate tone .
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