Example sentences of "[verb] [that] [pron] still " in BNC.

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1 I was flooded with joy , and all at once it seemed the most important thing in the world that he should know that I still loved him , too .
2 The recent tours of the Republic by New Zealand and world champions Australia demonstrated that it still continues to do so — and how .
3 It seemed to me that it was not only natural but positive : it demonstrated that he still had a relationship with God .
4 This would never yield anything like a reduction of one to the other , but Carnap supposes that it still allowed us to claim that the concept of a material object could be reduced to ‘ autopsychological concepts ’ , those which concern the nature of one 's own sensory states .
5 The voiders lingered by the body , however , bright enough to know that they still had some duty to perform with it .
6 He would have liked to know that you still came to see me .
7 He wanted above all to know that he still lay safe and quiet in his nameless grave ; he was heavy and burning at heart with his longing to ask , but he would not .
8 Observing her as a well-balanced and apparently fulfilled woman , it surprised me to discover that she still lived with the unexorcised ghosts of a disrupted childhood .
9 I think the way it should be tackled is speak to about it , say that we still believe that y'know it ca n't go on forever obviously it ca n't go on forever because I think the longer it goes on the worse it 'll become in all honesty
10 Only say that you still love me . ’
11 GRAHAM TAYLOR woke today to find that he still has at least one friend after the worst week of his life .
12 ‘ I was stunned to find that you still looked the same and I was very alarmed . ’
13 Corman called ‘ It 's a wrap ’ on Friday evening , and realized that he still had almost forty-eight hours ' usage left on the warehouse and sets he had rented for The Raven .
14 he looked down at the two hands locked onto his arm and then at the small man hurrying on ahead , and realized that he still had his chaperons , and once again they were not of his own choosing …
15 At breakfast the next morning Van Cheele realized that he still felt uncomfortable about yesterday 's adventure .
16 When she looked up the mountainside , as if searching for help there , I realized that she still had fear of me , little knowing the true state of affairs , and felt herself like an animal in a trap .
17 It was no good , she thought , for Signor Fixit to pretend that he still lived in the age of Just William .
18 ‘ There 'll be a bit off for luck ? ’ he asked , proving that he still retained some of the guile he had picked up as a practising country lawyer .
19 She realised that she still had fifteen minutes before the meeting was due to start and on an impulse she rang Paul .
20 ‘ Sorry I disturbed you … ’ she began stiffly , then registered that he still wore the clothes he 'd worn earlier , minus the suit jacket and tie .
21 KEVIN PRESSMAN last night revealed that he still wants to leave Sheffield Wednesday — even though he has just signed a new three-and-a-half year contract .
22 ‘ What are you waiting for ? ’ hissed Cardiff , tearing the tie loose from his collar , realising that he still had the automatic in his other hand but had been unable to use it again .
23 ‘ I mean that we still follow the old custom of behaving courteously to our family and friends .
24 I have checked that it still remains a right and that it is OK to withdraw .
25 Instead , he became a professor of immunology but says that he still enjoys cooking .
26 For example , Riseholme , near Lincoln , did not finally disappear until the late sixteenth century-ecclesiastical records show that it still existed in the 1520s , but that by 1575 it had no facilities for burials .
27 In addition , I had hoped to put in motion programmes in 3 separate areas and I hope that they still may be started in the not too distant future .
28 It would not be an exaggeration to stress the extent to which the nouveau roman has dictated the terms of critical discourse , nor to state that it still acts as the essential reference point in any definition of postmodern aesthetics .
29 However , it is important for us to remember that we still do n't really understand how this recoding is done by the brain .
30 ‘ The truth ! ’ she exclaimed , too hurt and angry to remember that he still had every reason to be suspicious .
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