Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] so [det] " in BNC.

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1 From this perspective , the remedy lies not so much in providing personal help as in attempting to reconcile the activities of women and the values of society more effectively .
2 The importance of television in US politics , it should be stressed , lies not so much in the paid media of political advertising as in the free media of news broadcasts .
3 The characteristic contribution of the senior civil servant lies not so much in the originality and imagination he or she may display in thinking up new policies — these can be a positive nuisance without the ability to convince and lead those , often outside the service , who will have to put them into effect — but the skills to recognize promising new ideas and the opportunities to develop them , and to exploit the opportunities when they occur .
4 Elvis 's importance , then , lies not so much in the mix of elements ( blues/country/Tin Pan Alley ) which he helped to bring into being in rock 'n' roll , but in what he did with it .
5 The road to an egalitarian society , therefore , lies not so much through the social services , even broadly defined and purposefully designed , but through changes in the economic and political institutions of the country which generate and shape inequality .
6 Normally , the ingenuity which requires protection is in the circuitry represented by the patterns formed by the conducting materials , but the regulations are wider in the sense that they will apply in situations where the ingenuity lies not so much in the horizontal patterns themselves but in the vertical arrangement of layers .
7 This means that history can be theorized not so much as a contradictory process but as a concept that must enact its own contradiction with itself : ‘ this difference is what is called History ’ .
8 He has not so much brain as ear wax , ( Troilus and Cressida ) — to anyone slow on the uptake .
9 He gave in that connection some instances from The Rock , which he described not so much as a play as a revue , a word he pronounced in the French manner .
10 Gould 's impatience and his disappointment stemmed not so much from the fruits of his collecting , but from the frustration of inactivity and the miscarriage of a good project .
11 It looks not so much as if women are passively being forced into the arts and rejecting science , but that they are making very clear choices .
12 Thus one might treat it as an argument that is designed not so much to challenge the meaningfulness of applying identity to objects qua ontological existents " out there " as to expose the difficulties of drawing a clear distinction between the numerical and the qualitative ( or species ) identity in relation to such objects .
13 But I think we 'll update not so much is over public authorities would probably take your advice , but I 'm thinking of people who are not public authorities who might in a way suffer , that your advice may cause them some expense , and they might choose to delay it , and well I am guilty we ca n't afford to do that this year , so it never gets done .
14 Diatryma seems , after all , to have been a meat-eater , its head reinforced not so much to cut through meat as to cope with the sudden shocks when its bite hit bone .
15 However , in a recent reply to Weber and Bradshaw ( 1981 ) it was suggested by Levy ( 1982 ) that the earlier findings she reported with Reid may relate not so much to language ( or speech ) representation in general as to reading and writing — that is , visual aspects of language , in particular .
16 Would not their votes tend to cumulate not so much on the best candidates as on the best-known ?
17 When Margie had mentioned his association with Greg Martin , the financier who had made him the loan which had set him up in a small showroom and enabled him to move the sewing machines out of the living room and into a work room , Hugo became not so much evasive as totally silent .
18 Even quite old children will sometimes be seen at the breast , long after they have begun to eat an adult diet , sucking not so much for sustenance as for emotional consolation .
19 The credit for securing this freedom belongs not so much to the legislators ( many of whom now profess themselves appalled at developments ) but to a few courageous publishers who risked jail by inviting juries to take a stand against censorship , and to the ineptitude and corruption of police enforcement .
20 The Forces Programme was renamed the Light Programme in 1945 , ‘ designed to appeal not so much to a certain class of listener — but to all listeners when they are in certain moods ’ ( BBC , 1946 , p. 53 ) .
21 I have n't got the time nor the energy , I mean not so much
22 the roots of reductionism seem to drive not so much from a free-floating tolerance on the part of the people in general but from the convictions of the most influential elites that crime is best combated by social and institutional , rather than specifically penal means .
23 The real essence of ‘ Thatcherism ’ , indeed , lay not so much in its ideas , which proved to be increasingly malleable as the years went by , and especially when Nigel Lawson took over the Treasury in 1984 .
24 The importance of the morality organisations lay not so much in their mass membership as in the specific influence they could demonstrate in moments of crises , the forces they could mobilise , the pressures they could bring to bear , the ears they could bend , the opportunities they could seize , and here conjunctural political factors played an important part .
25 Here the focus is placed not so much upon the continued presence of irrationality , for irrationality after all is simply reason 's own excluded but necessary negative other , but rather on the possibility of other logics being imbricated within reason which might serve to undo its own tendency to domination .
26 His resignation arose not so much because an audience was to be debarred from geology , as because women were to be debarred from the audience .
27 The real restriction of his freedom arose not so much from the restraints of his colleagues as front the fact that his Plymouth speech inevitably created an election atmosphere which he found difficult to control .
28 Rather than to characterise Genetic Alchemy as definitive I prefer to view it as a valuable ‘ second generation ’ effort , considerably more scholarly than its predecessors but with more than a whiff of the critical and sceptical attitudes of the disciplines that focus not so much on the substance of science as on its character as a social institution .
29 I grew up wanting not so much money as glamour , and when I left school at 15 I went to work in the department store , Bourne & Hollingsworth .
30 the external design is nevertheless made everywhere to result from the necessities of the interior : the positions of the windows are decided not so much with regard to external effect , as with reference to the rooms they light ; and even the heights of stories will be found to vary in parts to suit internal convenience .
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