Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This produces a hypsometric curve which shows the elevations of those regions lying between the continental platforms and the ocean basins and suggests that the true break between the continents and oceans lies not at present sea level but some 200 m or so lower .
2 This system , generally known as the Cabinet system , has been , in its broad features , adopted by most European constitutional states , and it matters not at all whether they are called monarchies or republics .
3 The fact that none of them could decipher it matters not at all .
4 This record though , has not at all reduced the importance of output and employment in small units of production .
5 China 's initial response was that the speech could not be considered as a basis for talks " because it has not at all relinquished the concept of the independence of Tibet " , but on Sept. 23 disclosed an offer to hold direct negotiations to which the Dalai Lama responded positively .
6 Williams , Textbook of Criminal Law , 2nd edn , Stevens & Sons , 1983 , 764 , criticised Pitham : if a butler invites the maid to join him in stealing the Duke 's silver when he has found the key to the safe , surely he has not at that time appropriated the silver .
7 The government has not at this stage , legislated in this area , but I understand in their next White Paper , they probably will take away the ceiling that presently exists , so that a rich offender could pay a lot more for his fine than er a person of average means .
8 Now a man may marry his stepmother or stepdaughter , or a woman her stepfather or stepson , provided that the younger person is aged at least 21 and has not at any time before reaching the age of 18 lived as a child of the family of the older person .
9 People often say to me do n't you get sick of eating ice cream working here … and I say not at all with the wonderful products we make
10 No he has n't at all .
11 ‘ I do n't think there 's anybody who 's worked here for a time who has n't at some time felt like crying , or who has n't actually cried or felt really down .
12 Honestly , though , who out there has n't at several junctions been reduced by sleeplessness , exhaustion and sheer frustration into staring over the heads of your babies at the man who fathered them , and thinking what in hell 's name am I doing with this person ?
13 Leith shook hands with him , but cared not at all for the way he ogled her the whole time .
14 She then discovered that she cared not at all for the dangerous glint that suddenly appeared in his eyes as he stared down into her still blush-pinkened skin .
15 He is free born and trembles not at priestly threats or the papal curse …
16 The ‘ design for living ’ shown by a species is the outcome of this selective process and is related not at all to any eventuality that may arise but to the set of conditions , the ‘ niche ’ , to which the evolutionary process has confined the species .
17 We should be looking not at such practice in the past but rather in the future — more of that later .
18 Looking not at all disturbed , he settled the tray across her knees and sat on the edge of the bed to pour coffee for them both .
19 Or perhaps I ought to say it was her spirit , since it resembled not at all any portrait that could have been painted .
20 He himself featured not at all .
21 To quote Bernard Pares , a founding father of the study of the revolution in Britain , writing in 1939 , ‘ The cause of the [ tsarist ] ruin came not at all from below , but from above .
22 At least he had read the available documents , but his memorandum " differed not at all , in essence , from decisions taken by secret committees in the reign of Nicholas I " .
23 Much of the contact-making happened not at diplomatic functions but in the marketplace , he recalls .
24 His eyes were abnormally large , and suddenly Alexei realised that both the muscles around the eyes and the jet black pupils which were centred within the golden irises were affected not at all by the light but responded rather to some inner stimulus .
25 The adoption of an overlord in heaven lent weight to Raymond 's doubtful title in Toulouse , while infringing not at all on his earthly independence .
26 They are very high quality soft pastels , with a wonderfully creamy texture which varies not at all from colour to colour , unlike other pastel ranges I have bought , where I have sometimes found that the darkest colours have been brittle and irritatingly scratchy to use .
27 On the cold hill , a fence now surrounds the circle , and it interferes not at all with the mood or countenance of the rocks .
28 The system , with formal judicial intervention , has worked successfully in the US ; it operates informally but without full judicial approval in England and Wales ; but at the present time it obtains not at all in Scotland .
29 The lych-gate creaked and left its prickly signature of rust upon the palm ( I 'll get it fixed , Ma 'm ! ) ; the bell rang not at all unless obliquely pressed by a nor'-nor'-westerly thumb .
30 The feedback I get from my heart is that the best skiing is to be found not at big resorts but small ones .
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