Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Nancy could always be relied on to be there in an emergency .
2 But she was relied on to be correct , so no-one disturbed her as she worked , her arthritic hands holding a stubby pencil , her long , old-fashioned mask covering her mouth as she murmured to herself .
3 But of course it is only reassuring if the person can be relied on to be there whenever the need arises — and you can be sure that that is bound to be during the last class hour on the longest teaching day of the week .
4 The white Straker family had long disappeared , their genes and blood melded into the vigorous bodies of their freed slaves , and only the Straker name lived on to be given new dignity by Bonefish and his family .
5 Regis equalled Christie 's 20.09sec British record as he clung on to be second behind America 's Mike Marsh .
6 So the question he goes on to is , given its civilizing restraining role how did , what er , explanation can we give for religion in general ?
7 ‘ As to the outside world , I now take just sufficient interest in what goes on to be thankful that , though I am deaf , I can vote . ’
8 She 's got to carry on with her career and she 's got to carry on with being a mother , both of which she takes very seriously , ’ he said .
9 Ann Butler had written to Uncle Nathan in Leeds to say that when Sarah went there to act as bridesmaid to her sister Christiana , she would stay on to be his new housekeeper .
10 One is that the children who are caught have to go again until they manage to sit down before being touched .
11 The first thing that Nigel got down to was , as I expected , fixing up his hi-fi , and on our very first evening that vast area reverberated with the great big beautiful noise of ‘ Also sprach Zarathustra ’ , so I felt truly at home .
12 Coates ( 1985 , pp. 27 , 77 ) , for example , argues that in recent decades narrative has broken down to be replaced by a cinema of ‘ isolated heterogeneous events held together by the ramshackle constructions of Victorian melodrama ’ , and that from the mid-1960s we have seen the dissolution of the distinction between realist and non-realist film .
13 What it essentially boiled down to was for a suitable building to be found in Moscow , while Costakis would provide the resources and materials necessary for the building 's restoration .
14 ‘ What it really boiled down to was immense immaturity in a grown man .
15 Each side panel can also be gathered in to be used as a doorway .
16 So from there you moved on to being , being a crane driver ?
17 You moved on from being on the dredger ?
18 I was took on to be able to keep the written terms and conditions .
19 One fact I did recognize and hang on to was that late afternoon was the best time to find a young mother at home .
20 Tab the tinker , who had come in to be shriven , had agreed to fashion a coffin of sorts out of thin planks of wood .
21 Opposite the front door I had come in by was a staircase which I proceeded to climb .
22 Your house your land your property your money , everything is going to come in to be dealt with via your will .
23 Modigliani moved in to be with her for the last few days and at the end of November Jeanne entered the Nice Maternity Hospital .
24 Naked Lunch is the first Cronenberg film I have sat through without being reduced to a state of rigid terror .
25 He woke in the small hours , feeling cold , and moved over to be closer to Carolyn 's warm body .
26 When one colony is markedly smaller than the other and so can not field an imposing team , it is raided , the queen is killed , and workers , pupae and larvae are carried off to be set to work in the victors ' nest .
27 We can not agree to something which starts off by being so fundamentally discriminatory that , year by year , it becomes even more discriminatory .
28 In one of these , Agdistis , a hermaphrodite , born of the seed of Zeus and Mother Earth , is castrated by having the male genitals torn off through being tied to a tree a not exactly common method , the reader will agree .
29 What they 're getting mixed up with is the mortal soul with it , is that when they 're using their imagination
30 She 's not all the Iron Lady she 's cracked up to be .
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