Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] quite [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Well sometimes if I 'm doing er say a sixty year old , to sixty five , he 's got his state pension to come in at sixty five , so even if the P E P has n't quite recovered , he might just decide to leave that where it is , and then his state pension comes in , his income is then made up , and off we go again .
2 The most striking thing about him was the intensity of his eyes ; very dark brown , staring , with a simian penetration emphasized by the remarkably clear whites ; eyes that seemed not quite human .
3 The old , old fashion — Death ! ( 4 ) Oh thank GOD , all who see it , for that older fashion yet , of immortality ! ( 5 ) And look upon us , angels of young children , with regards not quite estranged , when the swift river bears us to the ocean ! ( 6 ) At such points Dickens has a way of enlarging his theme beyond the narrative pretext , addressing his readers directly as sharers of a common human lot with himself and his characters .
4 It 'll probably go up by another three , four pounds and then later on er when the cows goes up to the grass I 'll be making not quite double probably , but er quite a lot more than I do now up to maybe fourteen , fifteen pounds in a day .
5 The door swung to behind them , shutting out some of the noise of the treadmills , but it did not quite close .
6 We went outside but could still see because the door did n't quite close .
7 I did n't quite close the door , and after a few moments I could hear her footsteps walking briskly past .
8 In the end , Clara , exasperated beyond endurance , brought up once more the possibility of cremation ( not daring to mention , even in her own mind , which had not quite forsaken filial tenderness , the possibility of the once-praised dust cart ) and Mrs Maugham , square , immutable , said quite astonishingly for her , and invoking sanctions she had been deriding for thirty years , that ashes must go to ashes and dust to dust .
9 Under it he was wearing a slate-blue suit in tussore , the cut , material and colour not quite masculine enough for his height and heavily muscled chest .
10 I 've managed to erm , the first time we went skiing is when we lived in the States , we went to like , er , not dry ski slopes there , but it was like false snow , that 's the same as you erm , they were really , was like eleven years ago , sort of like , technology had n't quite advanced terribly much , you know , and these bindings , you had like , metal clips on the bottom of your boots , and you had to put the thing in and clip the boot , clip the thing round on the skis , to keep your boot on the ski , right , it was n't like toe clips where you shove your foot ,
11 They had n't quite known whether to be optimistic or pessimistic about the overnight delay , but they were adamant in their belief that none of these parents was capable of doing the things stated in the allegations against them .
12 Although it does n't quite tie-up with the listing of Sugar 's operations , Albert Wallace 's logbook states that it was Sugar 's ‘ 130th Operation ’ .
13 Jenna just stared at him blankly , feeling not quite capable of absorbing this .
14 I have n't quite finished wallpapering , I do n't think that 's gon na make a lot of difference is it to the .
15 Thank you for before yo , before you start the please please we have n't quite finished !
16 Yes , yes , he is William , erm , the there are sixteen of the item outstanding on this order , eight required on this order and he says they have n't quite tested eight yet .
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