Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 Williams , Textbook of Criminal Law , 2nd edn , Stevens & Sons , 1983 , 764 , criticised Pitham : if a butler invites the maid to join him in stealing the Duke 's silver when he has found the key to the safe , surely he has not at that time appropriated the silver .
2 These differences are better explained not by that kind of analogy , but by a recognition of the complex history of the text within the history of an ancient tribe — a history that is sometimes romanticized , sometimes idealized , and in which past and present are sometimes confusingly mixed .
3 H. W. Janson 's History of Art , the standard college textbook , did not at that time mention a single woman artist ’ ; and in discussing the period reviewed by the exhibition , various choices of media made by women artists are chronicled , for , ‘ Many women artists eschewed painting — especially abstract painting — as a domain polluted by long saturation with male dominant values , and developed their themes in performance . ’
4 For the last two years he had been in practice in Northampton , and he did not at that stage wish to endanger his prospects there by letting his application to Bedford be generally known ; if Whitbread gave his support however , Thackeray would ‘ make his pretensions public ’ .
5 Initially she was supportive of the continuing claim to office of President Barre whose overthrow she did not at that stage recognise .
6 If anybody wants a fire certificate and we had a recent case where a notable local solicitor asked us to issue a fire certificate and we refused , because his premises does not require one , or did not at that point require a fire certificate .
7 Well I I I would n't er pin point the German attitude on this one , I mean after all we did collaborate with Germany very successfully on the tornado which has a nuclear role but the the four governments must first of all decide if that is what we want to build into this aeroplane and they decided that they did not at that stage .
8 Hastings ' previous dealings with the Tula tribe would seem rather to diminish the role played by force of personality in this affair , but the traveller and eccentric socialist R.B. Cunninghame Graham , who contributed an introduction to Hastings ' book , did not for that reason forbear to indicate that force of personality was precisely what it showed .
9 The elderly people may have a range of social connections which would understandably be given up with reluctance and they often do not at that stage need to give up their home .
10 If , by agreement with the continuing partners , the personal representatives , themselves duly authorised by provisions in the will or otherwise , are content to leave the deceased 's share in the continuing firm by way of loan , for example to help the firm over some temporary financial difficulty , they do not on that account become entitled to any account of the profits of the firm , merely to payment of interest at the agreed rate .
11 The genealogical trigger determining the numbers involved , the extensiveness of the quarrel , is thus the branching of the tree through brotherhood : by tracing the extent of obligation to two brothers ( rather than to their father ) each disputant secures the maximum of supporters who owe him loyalty and who do not in that particular instance owe loyalty to the other side .
12 You did n't at that stage I do n't think make any sort of link towards referrals and introductions .
13 The second point i is this issue about self containment , er Mr Davis accused me this morning of using some somewhat outlandish words , I think , erm , I did obviously refer to the er my vision of what a new settlement of this size proposed would be , and I I did n't in that mean to imply that I did n't in that mean to imply that I did n't expect that with the right planning that it could n't have clearly local facilities , local school , library , etcetera , but it seemed to me quite clear that the scale proposed it would not have the higher order functions which as we 've heard earlier , Greater York has been defined based on York 's planning assumptions , clearly the major shopping , educational , and social facilities will continue to be provided in the city , and it will produce what is in effect dormitory settlement .
14 The second point i is this issue about self containment , er Mr Davis accused me this morning of using some somewhat outlandish words , I think , erm , I did obviously refer to the er my vision of what a new settlement of this size proposed would be , and I I did n't in that mean to imply that I did n't in that mean to imply that I did n't expect that with the right planning that it could n't have clearly local facilities , local school , library , etcetera , but it seemed to me quite clear that the scale proposed it would not have the higher order functions which as we 've heard earlier , Greater York has been defined based on York 's planning assumptions , clearly the major shopping , educational , and social facilities will continue to be provided in the city , and it will produce what is in effect dormitory settlement .
15 They do n't about that when they 're in the middle of a dramatic crisis and they 've fallen out and perhaps the only thing they know about is how to go about getting a divorce and you see a lawyer and so on .
16 I had not at that time met any Americans but the sight of them prowling through what was now my favourite town , talking in their unfamiliar accents to anyone who would listen , rubbed me up the wrong way .
17 He had not at that time known that specific request for permission to shoot at Yugoslavs in support of Military Government had come from Gen Keightley at 5 Corps in Austria .
18 I had not at that time ever been to India .
19 However , the abolition legislation had not at that stage been passed or even presented to Parliament .
20 Despite the policy agreements , the infighting over the succession to both Mitterrand and Mauroy had not at that point been resolved .
21 In her girls ' school , it was a bit like joining a club — " girls who had on this side , and girls who had n't on that side " .
22 It 's like , girls who had on that side , and girls who had n't on that side , — can I join , kind of thing .
23 It does n't at that section .
24 Well , yes now in fact we know they have not in that study .
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