Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] [verb] back " in BNC.

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1 The mother has made a phone call to the hospital asking after her daughter 's safety but she has not called back as promised .
2 Branfoot said : ‘ Matt has not come back with an answer but we are still in the early stages of negotiation . ’
3 Elwyn C. Bellford , an important lawyer in the town , left home three days ago and has not come back .
4 He has not looked back since .
5 That clinched his place in the first-ever meeting between South African schools and England — and he has not looked back .
6 The newly constituted BSkyB , with Murdoch firmly in control , has not looked back .
7 Kernaghan has not looked back since then .
8 Both roles have involved handing out criticism , a task he has not held back from especially in this , the last year before he retires .
9 but the fur has n't grown back ,
10 So I phoned the police and I said , Charlie went away last yesterday , I says , and he has n't turned back up this morning .
11 Her brother just came to Handley Farm to say she has n't gone back . ’
12 He certainly has n't reported back yet . ’
13 He has n't drifted back to his own place yet , eh ?
14 Since then , Back To Basics has n't looked back , refining its relaxed feel , attracting a slightly older crowd , and preserving the enthusiasm and innovation by turning away the wrong sort at the door ( ‘ It 's just letting in people you 'd want as your mate , ’ according to co-founder and one time punk Dave Beer ) .
15 Odette went up to 16 stone during her third pregnancy but , a few months after baby Kari was born , she joined a local branch of Slimmer 's World and she has n't looked back since .
16 He has n't looked back .
17 Margaret has n't looked back since and Marjorie ( as enthusiastic as ever at 80 years of age ) still teaches two classes each week .
18 She has n't looked back since .
19 Since then , with the help of a strong export base Vauxhall 's complex at Ellesmere Port has n't looked back .
20 He was on ops last night and he has n't come back . ’
21 The chap who was to have been my ward partner has n't come back .
22 We have n't got any proper plans , Masklin has n't come back , and it 's all going wrong .
23 See , Sue has n't come back to me , the science department has n't come to me so I 'm not , I may leave that and say , and do something like that next year in a module or wait until I 've finished again I do n't mind , that 's still something in my mind which I would like to do but because talking to the form tutor 's , what I had written down as a fait a complet erm they 're not too keen so therefore I opened up and say you know , which particular things they were interested in the banking one they are very interested in the environment one , yes , within the school tidy upping area that they would like to do but I 've got ta be able to , and I do n't when planting season is or if I wan na put , be able to put flowers in etcetera , you see what I mean ?
24 John has n't come back to us .
25 has n't come back after you 've
26 And old has n't come back home yet .
27 he gave me a before he went on holiday and he has n't come back .
28 He would prefer not to come back on to my patch , and he has his own investments to look after in the City .
29 The European Commission agreed not to claim back a DM175m ( $111m ) loan from Klöckner-Werke , a German steel and engineering group , saving it from bankruptcy .
30 He agreed not to go back to the house and got a friend to collect some of his belongings .
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