Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The F T Associates which is er includes the Economist in Spain was up a lot and Westminster Press was er was down , but of course Westminster Press took a major redundancy charge , they were also bringing on a new plant at Brighton and therefore running two plants simultaneously which is very costly er and they launched on Sunday .
2 For surely someone as gifted as that deserved all that could be done for him : and ‘ the gift ’ put it above any gossip about an overkeen schoolmaster bringing on a bright pupil and overrode any chatter about the besotted nature of his devotion .
3 Paul went on his way in rising anger , fearful of bringing on a bad head by it .
4 And let me quote Locke er here we are are we he says but submitting to the laws of any country , living quietly and enjoying privileges and protection under them , makes not a man a member of that society then he goes on a little bit further down nothing can make any man so but is actually entering into it by positive engagement and express promise and compact .
5 They may argue as a point of fact that , to carry on a taxable ‘ business ’ ( or ‘ economic activity ’ — the terminology in the EC 's Sixth Directive , Art 4(1) and ( 2 ) ) and so use the partial exemption rules , the person must do more than just sell a mere , say , £5 worth of food , drink , tobacco , matches , magazines , books , postcards , camera films , audio or video tapes , cassettes , compact discs , records , sunglasses or combs each year .
6 No conscious effort is required , and it is sometimes possible to carry on a non-relevant activity , e.g. holding a conversation , whilst performing the activity .
7 In addition to those covenants mentioned by Scott LJ above examples of those which have been deemed to touch and concern the land include : a covenant for quiet enjoyment ; a covenant by the landlord agreeing to supply a housekeeper to clean a block of flats ; a covenant in which a landlord agreed not to open a public house within half a mile of the tenanted premises ; a covenant placing an obligation on the tenant to repair ; and a covenant in which the tenant agreed not to carry on a particular trade at the premises .
8 Institutions authorised by the Bank of England to carry on a deposit-taking business in this country are required to make contributions to the Deposit Protection Fund as levied from time to time by the Deposit Protection Board .
9 She did not want to carry on a lengthy conversation with this garrulous dumb woman ; she wanted to go to bed and hug Edward Bear .
10 The tenant will not wish to restrict himself to too narrow a use , for while this might be satisfactory in the short term , if the lease is for 25 years much can happen to the tenant 's business , eg expansion or contraction resulting in the necessity for the tenant to assign or sublet the premises , in which case the assignee or subtenant may wish to carry on a different use .
11 Through the side window he could see his grey garments and underwear hanging on a small washing line outside .
12 Although his wife 's chintz chaircovers bring on a certain nausea whenever I am obliged to call . "
13 Friday nights are hot at Apples and Snakes — every week they bring on a new lineup of outstanding poets and performers .
15 Sam Baker QC ( almost ) from number 113a had suggested that he ‘ bring along a few bottles of my Australian Chardonnay ’ but no one could face the prospect of being talked through another glass of uniquely flinty , resonantly expressive Murray River Chardonnay by Sam Baker QC ( almost ) .
16 If you know certain children are going to have difficulty in separating from parents , then it helps if they bring along a favourite toy .
17 The main route goes along a narrow elevated ridge from Gray Crag to Thornthwaite Crag where you 'll find the tallest cairn in the Lake District at around 20ft high .
18 This laid down a future programme in which , among the many proposals , they called for Burma 's recognition within the family of nations and admission to the UN , and finally ‘ the establishment of a sovereign state in the very near future ’ .
19 4.17 In Roberts v Johnstone [ 1988 ] 3 WLR 1247 the Court of Appeal laid down a general rule for assessing damages where a plaintiff has to purchase special accommodation .
20 It was the legacy of the previous form of uneven development based in the sectoral spatial division of labour ( high levels of unemployment from previously dominant sectors which had overwhelmingly employed men ) which provided the conditions ( regional policy grants , a ‘ green ’ , female labour force anxious for paid employment ) which attracted in this new form of economic activity and laid down a new form of uneven development .
21 Look at the decision of the Exchequer Chamber how we may , it laid down a new principle .
22 In a far-reaching judgment , the Court of Appeals laid down a new test for the determination of the question of non-literal copyright infringement , that is , whether there has been an infringement of copyright in non-literal elements such as program structure .
23 A shift in the weather pattern , bringing low pressure systems across the Alps in December laid down a firm base .
24 John Stuart Mill 's definition of the limits of law to curtail individual freedom laid down a simple principle : ‘ that the sole end for which mankind are warranted , individually or collectively , in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number , is self-protection .
25 The Barrington Sports Centre in the Algarve laid down a first-class pitch and I arranged a game for the Lord 's Taverners against a Portuguese Invitation XI to open up the ground .
26 The controls , which laid down a minimum deposit for certain goods , restricted the amount of the finance charge which could be made and prohibited finance charges altogether for others , lingered on for a few years afterwards as part of what was still more or less a strictly managed war-time economy .
27 The Opencast Coal Act 1958 laid down a special method of control operated by the Minister of Power ( later the Secretary of State for Energy ) .
28 Two thousand years ago a sex manual written in China laid down a few guidelines for gauging a woman 's sexual characteristics from a careful study of her face .
29 After these tests the railway engineers laid down a maximum sideways acceleration equivalent to tilting the track by 4½ degrees .
30 If the ferret has fallen down a vertical hole within the burrow the line ferret , on approaching , may not necessarily do the same thing .
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