Example sentences of "[verb] [is] [adj] from " in BNC.

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1 Just how seriously intended was the concocted story of The Lady Vanishes is clear from an early script which opens with a cut from a shot of Nazis strutting to geese on similar manoeuvres .
2 The major conclusions are therefore that the market economy is a remarkably efficient way of creating wealth largely because it succeeds in utilising more information than alternative economic systems ; that for a market economy to work , the society of which it is part needs to believe in certain kinds of values : it must lay great store by individual responsibility and also have a non-egalitarian view of what constitutes social justice ; that the so called ‘ crisis ’ of capitalism results from a prevailing set of cultural values , typified by Freudianism and Marxism , which are contrary to those needed for the market economy to prosper , that humanism as a philosophy can not guarantee to generate the appropriate values , and that Christianity can provide such values and has indeed done so during the period of industrialisation throughout much of the Western world , but in consequence the kind of market economy which is then championed is different from that currently defined by the libertarian philosophy of Professor Friedman and Professor Hayek .
3 The emphasis on medium , form and aesthetic grammar would suggest that , whatever their ‘ content ’ or ‘ effect ’ , they are somehow different ; at the simplest level , saying that a history or sociology book is badly written is different from saying that a novel is badly written .
4 It is necessary to learn how to see expertly through a telescope or microscope , and the unstructured array of bright and dark patches that the beginner observes is different from the detailed specimen or scene that the skilled viewer can discern .
5 The adult who will finally emerge is different from the child , but still recognizably the same person you once knew and understood .
6 The image they 've got is different from other drugs .
7 RIBA Leads is available from The Coach House , 32 Evesham Road , Cheltenham , GL52 2AG , annual subscription £115 ( £90 to RIBA members ) .
8 But we must be sure that what we are seeing is a true feeding roll and not just any surface activity , for bream do frequently appear at the surface when feeding is far from their thoughts .
9 DW warrants that upon delivery by DW/LD the diskette on which the Program is distributed is free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of ninety ( 90 ) days from the date the Program is delivered .
10 It is possible that the question you are asking is different from the sorts of discussion you have encountered in what you have read on the subject .
11 They have no ‘ implication of utterance ’ : whatever meaning potential they might have is remote from any realization , since the contexts which would provide the occasion for their use are of unlikely occurrence .
12 Of course , the question of how the identity of objects is coded is separate from the issue of whether object recognition is localized to these high levels of the visual system at all .
13 The reason that knowing is different from guessing or dreaming is that knowledge implies an unspoken submission to what is real or thought to be real .
14 A production environment that sought to minimize expense was not especially stimulating to creativity , and some idea of the cynicism involved is evident from the instruction given to Adrian Brunel by the bosses at MGM that he could n't make any improvements in the film he had made for them lest his cuts shorten the film below the act 's definition of a full-length picture .
15 Further information about Northampton including places to visit , what 's on and where to stay is available from : Tourist Information , Visitor Centre , Mr Grant 's House , 10 St Giles Square , Northampton , NN1 1DA .
16 That all living creatures possess a capacity to learn is apparent from the way they find their way around an environment .
17 And what this means is that from now on the cla lectures will trail the classes , which , which does n't matter and is actually quite er a good thing in the sense that what will happen from now on is that we 'll first do a topic in the class and then I will give the lecture on it the week after , or possibly even two weeks after , which is okay because it means that then in the lecture I can concentrate on filling in the gaps , straightening out the misunderstandings and generally adding to what we did in the class , rather than leading as it were as I have up until now .
18 It is one of the most significant and important respects in which the recession from which we are recovering is different from all previous recessions .
19 A child is not to be taken as having a learning difficulty solely because the language ( or form of the language ) in which he is or will be taught is different from a language ( or from of language ) which has at any time been spoken in the house .
20 ‘ Everything I make is hand-cut from large pieces of glass and hand-soldered .
21 Free advice on the law relating to badgers and on how farm damage caused by badgers can be tackled is available from the ADAS wildlife biology units .
22 The court of the Faerie Queene from where the knights are dispatched is absent from the poem .
23 Although the nature of the 1:50,000 potency created is different from that created by a 1:100 ratio ( ‘ … my new method produces medicines of the highest power and the mildest action … ’ §270 ) it is interesting to note the theoretical relationship with the centesimal scale .
24 That no final accommodation between these diverse conceptions of the boundaries of English was achieved is clear from the re-emergence of precisely the same argument , but now within a much wider public domain , in 1981 .
25 The Liberal Democrat Manifesto Costings Supplement is available from Liberal Democrat Publications
26 Marian 's work now suits her particularly well and in an effort to redress some of the solicitor 's problems described above she has begun to be involved in advocacy training for solicitors assisting in courses run by the College of Law — helping others towards the successful career which she demonstrates is possible from whatever your legal origins .
27 Better performance still than that provided by the m-derived sections that have been described is available from what are known as double m-derived sections .
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