Example sentences of "[verb] [vb infin] that it " in BNC.

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1 You wanted to wake up with him right there in the room and to turn to him and quote the next line of the film right back at him , to whisper it to him , make me almost believe that we are a pair of young lovers without any shame , and I do n't mean that in some tragedy queen way , but in order to say of Boy that truly I do think that it is a beauty like his that makes it all worth while , and I do feel that if we are fighting for anything , and if I was asked in a questionnaire what it was I was fighting for ( and believe me I do feel like I am fighting , more and more I think that ) , then I would answer , beauty .
2 Now , I do not seek to defend the conduct of the Sun , but I do think that it is at best messy and may also be dangerous to use the common law to outflank the Act .
3 Though Eliot did not like Lindsay 's work , he did think that it might have paved the way for better things .
4 But I did think that it might just ease the pressure on Saturdays , because , following what erm Betty has said , in fact , as I make it it 's forty-five Saturdays out of fifty-two , and bearing in mind Bank Holiday weekend , Christmas and that sort of thing , it 's virtually every Saturday in the city centre there is a collection .
5 I do n't know the answer , for only the people can give it ; but I do know that it is our duty to ask them .
6 No one knows where HIV started , but we do know that it is spreading fast and nearly every country in the world has people with HIV or AIDS .
7 I do not think that any one of us expects our children to walk out of the place ‘ normal ’ , but we do know that it is the best place in the world for them to achieve their fullest potential .
8 I do n't know how much they gave , but I do know that it , it , it came into a , a few hundred pounds which is a lot of money in those days you know , when you 're talking about nineteen sixteen .
9 I do not write to you because you do not know the truth but because you do know that it and because no lie comes from that truth .
10 How this name originated I have no idea , but I do know that it has been around for many generations for a jingle about this name has come down from the 19th century and it went : " Old Cribb , Young Cribb and Young Cribbs Son , if it had n't a been for Old Cribb there would n't have been none " .
11 We do know that it was not until the late summer of 1965 that he gave private indications of his intention to stand for a second term , and not until 4 November that he made his decision public .
12 However , I do know that it features a new , wider stance and a longer body than the present model along with wider wheel-arches and new wheels and grille .
13 Very very very briefly Chairman , erm first of all you can see in paragraph two point three and you see the matter that 's being erm the subject of discussion previously erm there was n't to be an issues report as such , but er Stragg itself the advisory group did feel that it would be useful that er er a leaflet be prepared and distributed erm you I do n't think Chairman would have seen it , but hot off the presses is being erm with us this morning er an an and only delivered this morning are some copies of th the leaflet that we have now erm prepared er you will have seen that in draft form Chairman and members of Strang will have seen that draft form so er both Stragg members and other members of the Committee if they would like to take a copy away with them , that there are a number here , but they will be er given wide distribution later on .
14 However I do feel that it has been somewhat claustrophobic , and I was very limited in the scope of my function due to our geographical location .
15 I do feel that it is extremely important to think first what your nearest and dearest would really like before you begin to knit .
16 But I do feel that it is , it would be a complete waste of this Committee 's money , when we 've many better things to spend it on , to join this low pay unit .
17 Explain the system carefully and do ensure that it is seen to be fair .
18 This can be a patch of grass or bare earth , a stone , a car mat , etc. , but do ensure that it is not large enough to cause problems if the model should touch it .
19 Before you re-use the newspaper and blotting paper for another batch of plant material , do ensure that it is thoroughly ironed to remove any moisture , or you will affect future pressings .
20 Pascoe said : ‘ I do understand that it would also have been blackmail but in the circumstances I was n't adopting a very high moral position .
21 I do claim that it is better than any of its predecessors in meeting exceptional need in exceptional circumstances .
22 Do remember that it is not only the signed and sealed contract that helps to concentrate people 's minds on their commitments .
23 Do remember that it is summer dormant though , and will disappear around July .
24 Having an attack of Cystitis for the first time can seem rather frightening , but do remember that it is not usually a serious threat to health .
25 We had to look at where the opportunities were for development in Greater York as a whole rather than looking at individual district elements , and in terms of land available , erm Mr Steel appears to have included some sites which we classify as land held in reserve , which we do n't normally count towards the land availability targets , although we do acknowledge that it is there .
26 In that respect , Kundera could have fooled at least one of his readers ; but I do see that it belongs to the point of it all that the uncommon Jaromil should be thought humanly representative .
27 Now I do see that it is men who are having to learn what comes more naturally to us .
28 But I do realize that it does er have locational implication which possibly we can deal with on Tuesday .
29 Now this may not be characteristic of modern Christianity — more the pity for it — but I do believe that it is a just reflection of New Testament Christianity , because in the earliest preaching the emphasis falls on his resurrection .
30 I personally do believe that it would have been much better if ministers had had a number of discussions about the Falkland Islands in the period preceding the invasion of the Falklands by the Argentinians .
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