Example sentences of "[verb] [vb infin] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Can we make , can we just please make make a final point .
2 Two quick-thinking staff at Higher Broughton Branch have been rewarded for helping foil a possible £25,000 card swindle .
3 Sir Christopher Wren [ q.v. ] helped build a new meeting-room above Stringer 's laboratory in Blackfriars .
4 He also studied under the successful architect Isaac Ware [ q.v. ] whom he helped prepare a new edition of Lord Burlington 's Fabbriche Antiche , a book of engravings from the collection of Palladio drawings belonging to Lord Burlington ( Richard Boyle , third Earl of Burlington , q.v . ) .
5 SHARP-eyed post room worker Steve Kelly helped prevent a possible £500,000 fraud after spotting a batch of credit cards in Royal Bank window envelopes .
6 His decisive handling of affairs at the outbreak of war in 1914 helped avert a financial crisis , and he was invited to remain in office beyond the normal two years .
7 Thanks to all the teachers from Inner Kent who helped provide a lovely tea at the training day .
8 The Scots spirit of liberty , frustrated at home , had been exported to magnify the noble principles that helped create a new world across the wide Atlantic .
9 The success was the Metro-Cammell Class 156 , which helped create a new-style hourly Anglia-North West service and transform domestic Scottish and Welsh services .
10 It was Robson 's return four games ago that helped spark a maximum haul of 12 points .
11 Two policemen who helped convict a fraudulent investment consultant have been given certificates of commendation .
12 One description of the typical witch declares as highly suspect ‘ women which be commonly old , lame , blear-eied , pale , fowle and full of wrinkles ; poore , sullen , superstitious , and papists ; or such as knowe no religion : in whose drousie minds the divell doth goten a fine seat ’ .
13 The feelings may be imagined of the pupil who rashly let fall a slighting reference to Sohrab and Rustum , to be answered by Lewis 's brandishing an old regimental sword of his brother 's which stood in the corner of his room and shouting , ‘ The sword must settle this ! ’
14 A further detail which supports the view that let evokes the lifting of all obstacles to the event denoted by the infinitive and concomitant actualization of the latter is the tendency for let to form a tight unit with the infinitives of certain verbs : ( 222 ) Kreisler let fall a further heavy hint .
15 Further , any person contemplating publication of statements in such a discussion would face duplication of the proceedings and increased costs in any case where the allegations made do identify an individual councillor or officer .
16 this is a structural change , what you could do or the easiest thing would be to do was just to incorporate a dummy variable , right , if you incorporated a dummy variable to a erm and to explain the and to take out the effect of structural change , right , er in that dummy inclusive model , right , all the diagnostic test statistics were okay , right , you would use , you would , therefore , use that , that particular model what we might do is just see if that is the case erm so if you come out of er diagnostics , work towards the data processing environment and generate a dummy variable right , so if you go into the erm data processing environment if it 's in the er sort of process plot option what we 'll do create a dummy variable call it D and let D pull zero press the return key and then edit D oh and if you just set erm observations for
17 Vi let go a shuddering breath .
18 Lucie let go an involuntary groan and slumped against the wall with his head in his hands .
19 Embarking on a spell of 10 games in 25 days , which will decide their Second Division fate , Sunderland let slip a 2–1 advantage they had obtained early in the first half .
20 It was true that Miss Devenish let slip a good deal of fragmentary information about Tolby .
21 The writing would have appeared to have been on the wall from the moment Lincolnshire 's Sarah Bentley ( now representing Surrey ) , let slip a 5–1 opening set lead in the first rubber , a lead that included a missed set point .
22 In ‘ Jimmy Munro 's Troubles ’ ( Ex. 1.8 ) Corvan uses the banality of its phrasing , repetitions , sequences and harmonic structure to help construct a mock-simpleton persona which enables him to cloak the bite of his social criticism in humour ; he plays at ‘ acting the fool ’ , in tortuous verbal constructions and juxtapositions of the serious and the trivial — just as the ‘ Bow , Wow , Wow ’ song originally did — but the real problems of railway accidents , rent and ragged clothes turn the joke around .
23 They began with some exploratory tests to see what effects if any were there to be measured and to help design an optimal experiment-to scale it properly , in the idiom that Fleischmann uses .
24 There were also fears that Japan planned to do just what America does : use defence spending and research to help build a civil aerospace industry , and thus beat Boeing .
25 But Airbus now no longer needs McDonnell Douglas to help build a bigger version of the A320 ; nor does the American company need Airbus wings to fit on a bigger version of its MD-Il .
26 The father opposed Hitler and spent a year in a Nazi concentration camp in occupied France , then returned to Berlin in 1945 to help build a new Germany .
27 In a special preface to their communiqué the Foreign Ministers extended to the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe " the hand of friendship and co-operation " and expressed determination to " seize the historic opportunities resulting from the profound changes in Europe to help build a new peaceful order … based on freedom , justice and democracy " .
28 To help build a larger and more integrated research group of economists at Oxford who are active in the area of industrial economics .
29 If you 'd like to know more about what we 're doing to help build a fairer , post-apartheid South Africa , please write for our fact book to : AAC , Department No .
30 The principal objective of this project is to carry out research to help build an intelligent geographical database system .
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