Example sentences of "[verb] [was/were] also [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It had been noted previously that certain phonological features characteristic of West Belfast where both Clonard and Andersonstown were located were also characteristic of the mid-Ulster dialect spoken in Lurgan ( as opposed to the Ulster-Scots dialect of Belfast 's northern and eastern hinterland ) .
2 The new ideas to which Tyndall referred were also effective within the churches .
3 The variety of animal life found was also impressive , with 256 different types being identified .
4 The usefulness of this framework was limited , however , as the dates of occupation were known for very few sites ; and furthermore , the time interval between sites and finds was also unknown .
5 The door from which they had emerged was also marked PRIVATE .
6 A colleague working in the laboratory to which Dr Sasaki had been walking was dead ; Dr Sasaki 's patient whom he had just left was also dead .
7 The Hardens were also frequent visitors .
8 Those questioned were also concerned that they were not given information on exactly how their tax liability was worked out .
9 Theories of how elites rose to power and later degenerated were also pervasive in ancient and medieval philosophies .
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