Example sentences of "[verb] [was/were] not [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Defence Minister , Mr Ferenc Karpati , told the Hungarian parliament that the troops used were not from the regular army but from the Securitate secret police , whose uniforms are similar and who are equipped with tanks and sophisticated weapons .
2 There was no apparent reason to administer the drug , although the quantities involved were not above the legal limits .
3 But then terrific top-end power and tarmac-scorching standing starts were not on the design team 's agenda .
4 But the majority of policemen and women we encountered were not like this and did not engage in little acts of subterfuge to limit what the field-worker saw or heard because either they had nothing to hide or , more rarely , they were not concerned to conceal it .
5 It is true that this word is mentioned in the Bible , but it was rightly applied then , for these unhappy creatures mentioned were not in a position to make themselves understood .
6 But , to spike the guns of barrack-room lawyers , it is expressly stated that it is not a defence to prove that the documents prepared were not in fact prepared in accordance with the Act .
7 He , too , felt that academic study was not for him .
8 Slowly it dawned on Alexander that the tension that he had first noticed was not of specific parts , as he had first presumed , but of himself as a whole being .
9 For example , mandamus would lie to compel a tribunal to hear a case which it had mistakenly decided was not within its jurisdiction .
10 It is not open to the health authority to deny liability on the ground that the organism that they injured was not in law the plaintiff and yet to deny responsibility for the defects with which the plaintiff was born on the ground that they inflicted them before birth .
11 In Dekker the employer had tried to argue that the refusal to hire was not on the grounds of pregnancy but on the ground of adverse financial consequences the firm could not pay for a replacement during the period of maternity leave needed by Ms Dekker and as a result the firm would be short-staffed .
12 Some of the problems he faced were not of his own making .
13 It did so badly afterwards that I decided racing was not for me .
14 There was a lower success rate when the angle to be measured was not on a labelled part of the scale ( Table 4.14 ) .
15 That she should ever marry was not in his mind , though a spinster on the boards would hardly do .
16 In other words , whilst the power to decide to serve an intervention notice without first hearing representations from persons affected was not in itself so unfair as to invalidate the notice , a lack of any means by which the person could immediately thereafter challenge the notice was in my opinion a breach of the requirements of fairness which the law should imply .
17 Strangling was not like that .
18 When Stewart said the boom in consumer credit during the previous decade had been phenomenal and some said dangerous , the danger to which he was alluding was not to the consumer/borrower who might incur overindebtedness , but to the professional finance houses .
19 The firing range which he was running was not to be fully operational for several months and he had too many soldiers to employ usefully .
20 Quite suddenly whether Anne worried or what she thought were not of the least importance .
21 They pulled out at a point not where the cost they thought was n't worth it , but they pulled out because people associate
22 Despite the absence of Wagner 's name , it must have been sufficiently evident that the real parallel offered was not with opera as much , but with Wagner alone ; an insistence on traditional opera 's inherent inferiority and a brief allusion at the end of the lecture to its new rival " music drama " were enough .
23 Joking was n't at all romantic .
24 His case had rested in part on forged documents , though what these documents contained was not without authority , and the pope 's arguments concerned prescription or the power conferred by ancient right .
25 ‘ I must confess , the news it contained was not at all what I had been expecting .
26 if one 's like it the other 's like it as long as that 's hanging there untouched there 's quite , quite safe , I mean were n't worth it
27 But she was an orphan , and the uncle and aunt with whom she lived were not at all well off .
28 The references that I made were not to Labour party documents but to papers published by the chambers of commerce .
29 Mm , the visions that they had were not as reality they were only like visions they had
30 Perhaps the jeweller she kept house for could read , but the things Sarah wanted to say were not for a stranger 's eyes .
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