Example sentences of "[verb] [vb infin] [pron] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 " You helped stop me getting the directorship , now you want to drive me out of the Lab . "
2 OFF-LICENCES all over Ulster will be handing out free measures to customers next month — to help stop them getting sozzled on the sofa !
3 The new day ward is named after the late Doris Field , whose money helped get it going .
4 More than 400 Wensleydale Smokebusters have pledged to help support someone wanting to give up cigarettes .
5 fun fair , you conclude in the kennels , you can meet your boy friend almost any where , but he thinks , you , lets see him dancing could , foot
6 ‘ He is the S.S.O. , and he did catch you breaking a rule .
7 Of course , you did make it clear that I had n't disturbed a lovers ’ tryst out there by the lake , so I 'm curious to know what did send you rushing through the grounds in such a state of agitation ? ’
8 ‘ Ah — then somebody did send you running to the hills ? ’
9 He had n't even had good manners enough to protest that he certainly did like her singing , as anyone else would surely have done , given such a direct challenge .
10 Erm yes he , I believe it th th that stage was when er he said we 'll put y we 'll pus we 'll find some clothes for you mate erm , I I do recollect P C going I think to the foot of the double bed or near to the base of the double bed where he found a pair of erm jeans and I do remember him checking the pockets erm and then helping or trying like put the jeans on on the man that was lying on the ground still handcuffed .
11 The only disappointment was that I never did see them feeding , for I could have learned such a lot in those short but interesting hours .
12 But the people of Jericho did see them coming and shut the gate , crying , ‘ Hippy convoy ! ’
13 When at last they did see him coming they had to follow his slow path from the road , watch him lean his bicycle carefully against the wall under the yew and plod slowly up between the two rows of boxwood .
14 you know , and so I avoided her , but I would tell her , but if I saw her I would say Jenny I must admit I did see you going in The General but I did n't come out because I was so upset , but I , I wonder what she 's doing , cos she , I heard she 's got her own business , but I ca n't see that .
15 Er but obviously you know , the the the courage and the the strength of the the people who did keep it going , erm really has achieved a lot .
16 What they do see me doing is the school run , shopping , cooking their meals and running the household .
17 As to the evaluation of their individual skills of pupil management by members of the Senior Management Team , the Head of Department commented , ‘ we have never known them as teachers … but we do see them conducting assemblies ’ .
18 ‘ Nothing , but I do appreciate you asking .
19 I did hear him moving around but when I woke up later neither he nor the redhead was to be seen .
20 ‘ They did n't see anything because they were working in their little tent , ’ she went on , ‘ but they did hear someone hurrying past and then a car starting up a little way away .
21 I should have said this earlier : I did appreciate you withdrawing your notice . ’
22 Watching Smotty 's four-minute debut — missing an open goal whilst tying his bootlace , refusing to take a second-minute penalty until he had washed his shin pads in the puddle on the centre circle , then when he did take it hitting the corner flag — I could feel the supporters forcing my head further and further down on the block .
23 But apparently these fish do have one redeeming feature — they grow like the clappers .
24 No I did n't put it on last night , but I did leave me heating on , it clicks off at nine o'clock , but the house was warm
25 I wonder if that erm , really did revile you seeing a leading British politician shaking Saddam 's hand ?
26 ‘ Salesman did tell me sumpin' about a kid from here writing it but I forgot .
27 I do recall him throwing the ball into his own net at Anfield , and dropping a cross onto Gilzean 's head when playing for Wales v Scotland .
28 I do recall him saying , not in that connection ( which his good manners would have forbidden ) but with reference to the system of rationing in general , that it made one obsessively conscious of the working of one 's digestive organs .
29 As a matter of fact' — he frowned in concentration — ‘ I do recall her putting a matchbook in her handbag at one point and saying she would pass it on to Heather because she collected the things .
30 they do n't want to sit in the restaurant they very rarely do get them sitting in the restaurant I suppose to a certain extent other than the Sundays it 's just waste of space .
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