Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] both that " in BNC.

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1 A genuine case for abolition , if it is so based , needs to establish both that the alleged abuses are as stated and that they are endemic to the practice ; thus unavoidable .
2 I should like to see both that and the use of know-how funds extended .
3 Those who imagine that they see the spectre of euthanasia raising its head look with particular misgiving at the doctor 's decision to discontinue ventilation.4 Those lawyers who have given the issue their attention have accepted the common factual assumption that turning off a ventilator is significant , and have then sought legal arguments by which to justify it.5 For they have had to recognize both that it is a common medical practice , and that it is one which prima facie calls for some justification .
4 It aims to secure both that the consumer is not misled and also that he is not left in ignorance of matters of which he should lie informed .
5 He therefore sought to prove both that the structures of history were necessarily dialectical and that the course of actual history could be shown to be so .
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