Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] because [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They have to come to terms with the fact that there is a rival in the camp , a rival they would both love to remove but hate to lose because of his separate contributions to home life .
2 On no my father was fortunate you see because he 'd got to go to work because of the
3 They may need to reorganize because of demography — that 's the number of pupils that are in a particular area , where you 've got too many schools , or it may be that they want to change the type of offer , such as some of us want to do in the City of Oxford .
4 These two tasks are inextricably interwoven : if advisers fail to establish what it is that a client wants to know because of poor interviewing , then they will not be able to supply the correct information even if it is available .
5 Charlie of course is now the man every trainer wants to engage because of his marvellous performance at Cheltenham in booting home four winners and taking the Ritz Club Trophy for the top jockey at the festival .
6 The company , which also sells building materials , has to move because of the proposed cross-town route linking the A68 and A66 .
7 Or are those with lower IQs more likely to be exposed to lead because of social factors ?
8 Hammam said Jones was a Sheffield United player at the time the video was compiled and that Wimbledon were unjustly being made to suffer because of the suspended sentence .
9 Whereas Montaine had died for her inadequacies , Jean-Claude was destined to persist because of his .
10 The amounts in rivers are tending to increase because of discharges of sewage effluents containing phosphates derived from domestic detergents .
11 Chapman made no excuses — ‘ I say frankly there are none , — and agreed that Newcastle deserved to win because of their superiority in the second half .
12 not be done to cook because of the sausage and that splashing .
13 She had left home and was refusing to return because of the ‘ weird things ’ that were going on .
14 Poland 's official trade unions were refusing to sign because of a dispute over how much workers should be compensated for rising prices .
15 They had a hospital all lined up , and they 've had to cancel because of staffing problems .
16 Something that you just happen to know because of your profession ? ’
17 In the garden that morning she 'd thought he was going to cry because of the memory of his mother 's death .
18 When the star had exhausted its nuclear fuel , there would be nothing to maintain the outward pressure , and the star would begin to collapse because of its own gravity .
19 The Thai Airways jet from Bangkok was minutes away from landing at Katmandu when it was told to divert because of torrential rain .
20 I knew she was going to die because of me .
21 ‘ Sir Ralph Whitton , ’ Athelstan began , ‘ received a warning that he was going to die because of a terrible act of betrayal committed in Outremer some years ago .
22 But South Africa is not going to change because of me . ’
23 But South Africa is not going to change because of me . ’
24 Has he got to move because of his job or
25 Many youth clubs in Elswick , Benwell and Lemington have had to close because of that lack of funding .
26 The multiplication of agencies as a means to greater bureaucratic efficiency may be objected to on the grounds that one of the major obstacles to the successful implementation of government programmes has been found to be the existence of numerous competing administrative bodies which so many programmes seem to involve because of overlapping policy fields and jurisdictions ( Gunn 1978 ) .
27 Commenting on its 1992 figures ( see page five ) , Acer Inc , Taiwan says that it returned to profit because of better results at its US subsidiary , Acer America Corp , which turned in heavy losses last year .
28 Should you decide to cancel because of this , you must exercise your right to do so within 14 days from the issue date printed on the invoice .
29 Should you decide to cancel because of this , you must exercise your right to do so within 14 days from the issue date printed on the invoice . ’
30 It is often better to leave such exploration until the patient 's difficulties are beginning to resolve because by then the patient may be more willing to consider , for example , that his act was based on hostile and manipulation motives .
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