Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] she [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 However , on the first day that I got to know her I had a feeling that there was something peculiar about the woman .
2 I never really got to know her She was the most obtuse person I ever met .
3 Defiantly her chin came up , challenging him , warning that he was beneath her dignity ; that if he tried to hiss her she would …
4 When he tried to upstage her she sauntered down to the front of the stage and such was her control over the audience now , he had to back off , otherwise it would have been he who looked ridiculous .
5 There is a girl that collects money if you want to give her it .
6 When a builder tried to cheat her she overwhelmed him , thumping the table , her normally calm eyes glaring .
7 However , when he tried to assist her she pushed him away indignantly .
8 When he came back she said she 'd go out herself tomorrow , and if he tried to stop her she 'd smash up all his crockery .
9 She 's a clumsy clogs that 's why I wo n't let her walk around with the baby if she wants to cuddle her I tell her to sit down and I tell her not to move well she 's always tripping over her feet .
10 As Mrs Pratley , 42 , tried to come to terms with her husband Brian 's death , a court official phoned to tell her she was out on the streets .
11 She must do it now , though she was rushing to get ready for another appointment — this time with one of the estate agents in town who had rung to tell her he had an attic to let for what sounded like a very reasonable rent .
12 I had forgotten to tell her it was a ‘ paid for ’ home . )
13 ‘ When she was born she looked normal , but whenever her mother tried to cuddle her she screamed .
14 She said where 's that fucking Tara she gone for a fucking blow again and they 're all laughing and she said what are you fucking bastards laughing at and there 's Tara there with tears down her face Tara tried to tell her she fell off the chair well that was it .
15 As she slowly regained strength , Julia began to be able to think of things beyond her own physical state , and whenever David came to see her she urged him to tell her what had been happening at the trial .
16 But of course I 'd had a few drinks , and I had n't worn my glasses anyway , so when the time came to meet her I was n't quite sure what she looked like .
17 The therapist judged that Margaret had made a very serious attempt to kill herself , that she was severely depressed and a continuing suicide risk , Although Margaret felt that nothing could be done to help her she agreed to be admitted to a psychiatric unit .
18 After that she went into service and there she stayed until , when she was about twenty-two years of age , her brother came to tell her he was married and to ask her if she would leave her employer and come to look after his wife who was expecting a baby .
19 He would not ; no instinct came to tell her he would .
20 Can I make a suggestion to you , that I think that if you go through these you will come to the conclusion that there are two ways for doing this and one is that for example the majority of the ones that Stella 's got where she feels she can make the decision it is only going to affect her you come in with it already done , redlined new where you think there is going to be some discussion , you go through , you put together in the same way as Simon has done reasoning around it .
21 She said , I 'm going to see her she said and if she has it on I 'm going to take her on one side and I 'm going to say , Miss Anderson will you let me tell you how to dress .
22 I said , well the important thing is Jan if you are like this you obviously did n't like , there 's no way I 'm going to meet her you 're obviously thinking it over I said so the first thing you 've got ta do is turn up on Monday and meet her cos erm , then well you 'll know .
23 Er my mother 's waiting to come in , so I was going to give her it .
24 He was going to kiss her she thought .
25 Just as she thought he was going to kiss her he let her go and strode to the door .
26 Yes , when Matt told me he was going to marry her it was a surprise — a shock . ’
27 She watched Burun dismount , and when he turned to face her they stood wordlessly .
28 ’ We all got to know her quite well and used to ignore her she 'd just come in , browse around , buy a couple of things and go .
29 ‘ I suppose , ’ she went on , ‘ I would have had to tell her it was dead , eventually .
30 ‘ Angel , you 've got to talk to her — you 've got to tell her you forgive her .
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