Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 These images also interact with other texts , particularly newspaper accounts of similar conditions , and combine to confirm for many White spectators that the truth is that housing and employment problems and so on will not go away unless Blacks are sent away or at least have their entry to Britain severely restricted .
2 ‘ And you know who you got to thank for that , mate , do n't you ? ’
3 The alternative explanation , involving a change in the rate of momentum loss through electromagnetic radiation or particle outflow might be accompanied by an observable change in the radiation pattern or the braking index ; we intend to search for these in our continued monitoring programme .
4 So if you look at individuals making erm decisions about punishment or some decision where there 's a consequence or an element of risk , you 'll find that groups quite often tend to go for more extreme behaviour than any one of the individuals in the group .
5 The historical fact is that the settlement of 1688–1701 failed to settle everything ; it failed to provide for all contingencies .
6 And who wants to fall for that ?
7 ‘ She has to go for some more treatment , ’ Jack Foley said .
8 As for Monica Seles , her desire to play at Wimbledon this year , coupled with the fact that she already has the Australian title under her belt , might be all the incentive that she needs to go for that Grand Slam this year , that same Grand Slam which she passed up last year with her refusal to play the British leg of the four majors .
9 Heavy rain driven by gales predicted for last night was forecast to continue for much of today .
10 The trial was expected to continue for some time and it was widely believed that evidence would be given which would incriminate politicians still active .
11 Send to SCIAF for more information .
12 Captain Mark Phillips had been expected to remain for some time in his cottage on the estate , where he has lived since the marriage broke up three years ago .
13 There 's just this , it 's just really funny cos I sound really wrecked yeah and I say look hello , hello look Norwegian people I just want to apologize for all this mess and all this crap on this tape but I mean yeah like you know , fuck it
14 Get you some victims to be included because presumably they want to appeal for more members
15 It is important we know how many want to come for each event , so PLEASE CONTACT Val Hawkins ( 453-3366 ) or David Cameron ( 445 1154 ) or sign the list to be circulated , as soon as possible .
16 Past changes in both relative equity and gilt prices have a negative influence on future expectations although interest differentials ( RATE ) are expected to persist for some time .
17 Sleepily she tried to adjust for this situation , flipping over and snuggling into the heated surface of his chest .
18 In a society whose social and economic system had originally been , and to a certain degree still was , organised to provide for such eventualities , this was scarcely surprising .
19 Schools , therefore , are expected to compensate for these supposed deficits .
20 Josie tried to reach for some killer of an argument , a real zinger that she could pull out of the air and use to disarm all opposition .
21 A portrait of a child by Luis Paret y Alcazar ( 1746–1799 ) which has remained in the same family since it was painted is expected to sell for more than Pta40 million ( £220,000 ; $429,000 ) .
22 The appeals panel is not expected to rule for several months .
23 The M two motorway remains closed between junctions five and six and is not expected to reopen for several hours .
24 Cath does not have this excuse ; she has to look for another .
25 ‘ We hope Mr Stein will be working for us long into the future and obviously in that case we would need to apply for another permit for him .
26 The debtor himself has to apply for this type of order , in practice often encouraged by the plaintiff .
27 In general , the baby 's wishes had tended in the past to be suspect , and the mother had been expected to look for some non-permissible motive behind them , in the form either of dangerous ( probably erotic ) impulses or of a rebellious determination to dominate the mother-in either case , constant control of the child was called for , and only the baby who had submitted himself completely to the mother 's control could be called a good baby .
28 It states that sex is not appropriate in every situation where a couple are mutually attracted , or even within a relationship that is expected to last for some months or even years .
29 If they want to opt for both they 're going to have a very , very hard time , that 's indisputable .
30 He was expected to practise for several hours a day , but was entrusted to supervise his own timetable .
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