Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] i again " in BNC.

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1 Before I left Ruritania , Princess Flavia asked to see me again , and Fritz took me to her .
2 It may be she wo n't want to see me again . ’
3 She will never want to see me again .
4 ‘ I 've thought so much more about you since I imagined you did n't even want to see me again .
5 When When do you want to see me again ?
6 " Alice , do you want to see me again ?
7 But how can I convince David , when he obviously does n't want to see me again ? she thought .
8 And if , because of that , you never want to see me again — because , after all , I am no better than Havvie ; I simply raped you in a different way — ’ And , having lapsed into complete incoherence , he fell silent , not knowing what to say , except to add humbly , ‘ I think that your father approves of my suit , but that is no matter .
9 He probably wants to hit me again .
10 And when er when er when he finds out he 'll then decide when he wants to see me again
11 ‘ Please do n't trouble to ring me again .
12 Did I tell you Madeleine came to see me again shortly after you left ?
13 Maxine came to see me again the following week and we began the follow-up treatment , along the lines of those which you will find detailed in the ‘ case histories ’ sections of this book .
14 I heard nothing more until a year later when Carol came to see me again .
15 A couple of days later on , he came to visit me again , this time by himself .
16 ‘ Still alive , and wanting to marry me again — as if I 'd give him the chance ! ’
17 I lay rigid , willing myself into the exhausted stupor that I knew was there waiting to engulf me again .
18 ‘ When I managed to get upright I saw him cocking the gun again , thought he was going to shoot me again and moved towards him to defend myself . ’
19 I dared not tell Mamma , or she would begin to badger me again to give up my job …
20 ‘ You 're going to help me again now , Charlie .
21 Well he phoned me last night and he 's going to phone me again on Sunday afternoon , we get on so well , Brenda I can just the imagine the pair of us tucked up into a four foot bed !
22 That meant he was going to kiss me again .
23 Then he walked back to his desk in the room and turned to face me again .
24 Going to threaten me again ? ’ she enquired sarcastically .
25 My master 's plan was so successful that he arranged to show me again on the next market day .
26 she 's coming to see me again soon .
27 For this reason I made a cassette of the particular imagery I used and asked Maxine to practise using it ( in combination with the relaxation technique ) for a week before coming to see me again .
28 Do n't try to rile me again , Jennifer , you are my guest . ’
29 ‘ Keep the lot , ’ he said , ‘ then you 'll have to invite me again to hear my own records .
30 Memories started to haunt me again .
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