Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] i [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I had just received a telephone call from the barracks which informed me that officials from Horseferry Road magistrates court had phoned demanding to see me about nonpayment of fines .
2 and I 'm certainly wearing paint tonight , quite a bit of it because its very hot under here and you would n't want to see me without it , but that 's me saying that , I mean why do I ? , why do I ? , why are we all wearing make-up ? , do we actually think we look better ? , are we trying to disguise something ? , yes
3 ‘ Did you want to see me about something ? ’ said Wilcox impatiently .
4 D' you want to see me in prison ? ’
5 ‘ I 've sweated blood to get him to agree to see me at all .
6 He failed to provide me with information which I had requested . ’
7 Duncan took some persuading — £250 and the scrap option on the VW to be exact — but agreed to meet me at Blackberry Hill with his wrecker truck ( there is n't a vehicle known to man he ca n't get hold of ) in two hours .
8 The authorities in Addis Ababa had undertaken to provide me with an escort of ten soldiers while I was among the Danakil .
9 ‘ You want to see me about something ? ’
10 I said authenticity was one thing but did my devoted fans really want to see me on the big screen with spots a foot across all over my face ?
11 Oh you want to see me in four weeks ?
12 But er you want to see me in four weeks to see about that ?
13 You want to see me in gaol .
14 If you want to hit me across the airport , I 'll understand , OK , but I 'm staying with Alejandro .
15 She knows people and tried to dazzle me with names .
16 ‘ Sometimes I was in the depths of despair , but the other inmates helped to carry me through prison . ‘
17 He tried to kill me for no apparent reason .
18 I asked her to come to see me on the day after her arrival and at the hour of sunset , the best time for the wonderful view that I then had to offer her .
19 He used to come to see me in the prison .
20 Adventure Training put him in contact with me and after five days Bombardier Michael Goldsmith and a subaltern had come to see me from the Outer Hebrides with a view to offering an army vehicle .
21 He rose to conduct me round the TOM complex .
22 I can not want a man who wants to see me in gaol .
23 He said : ‘ They tried to batter me into taking the job , then rang me at home and tried again .
24 If they want to meet me at 8am , they can have breakfast before they arrive — they do n't need breakfast at the Savoy .
25 like an attic ; who wants to frighten me by
26 ‘ They tried to pull me into a scrum once and they invited me into the showers with them ’ — GAIL PARKER ( a lady referee ) on problems encountered when trying to control men .
27 They tried to attract me by offering tempting morsels — one offered me a Rolls-Royce with a personalised number plate — but my loyalties belonged to John .
28 Still he want to feed me for ever .
29 And damn this man he wants to wed me to ! ’
30 The other exercises were designed to help me with a problem of co-ordination in hammer-ons and in string skipping .
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