Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [conj] he " in BNC.

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1 There were times when his own belief in himself as a great player could backfire on him if he failed to realize that he was having an off day , and he could look stubborn and bloody-minded as a result .
2 So hard was the surface that Malcolm 's boot-sprigs failed to cope as he unleashed a bouncer , and he finished flat on the ground , which was where the retreating batsman was supposed to be .
3 Meredith watched the struggle on the man 's face as he tried to control his wayward mouth , and wondered why he did n't want to grin when he was so obviously amused by her cheek .
4 Johnson soon wished to leave , and pressed Boswell , who , of his very nature , did not want to go until he had met the Earl .
5 The judge ruled that there was insufficient evidence to show that the former guard captain , Karl-Heinz Becker , 49 , had intended to kill when he fired his pistol at one of the two men fleeing through a checkpoint on 8 April , 1989 .
6 They used to send the stewards round and er you you 'd suddenly see two new people in the congregation and they 'd come to hear the minister preach to see if he was a good preacher and then they 'd go back to report .
7 She expects him to be an untidy swimmer , but is irritated to find that he has a smooth powerful crawl which takes him through the water swiftly and seriously .
8 THIS is the book which Peter Mayle planned to write when he went to live in France .
9 In any event the purchaser will want to know that he is buying the right assets from the right companies .
10 I do n't want to know that he says .
11 She did n't want to feel this attraction , and did n't want to know that he felt it too .
12 Here he was surprised and a little frightened to find that he was being carried further out to sea .
13 But , says the UKALEA 's Dr John Gittus , they want to see if he can repeat the result using an alternative method , such as heating the fuel in a tungsten crucible .
14 He is keen to exchange the first gifts , but the laibon 's family first want to see if he can cut the mustard .
15 I want to see if he 's actually doing anything .
16 So the message that a Mr Randolph Fields had telephoned to see if he was interested in buying one only mildly excited his curiosity .
17 Pascoe looked around the room as though he were checking to see whether he 'd left anything behind .
18 In a state of aerial calm I stopped to see whether he was following .
19 Meanwhile we , and God too , must wait to see if he passes the test or not .
20 Agitated , Vincent went running to a painter called Weissenbruch to see if he was another one who had been poisoned by the gossip circulating against him .
21 He felt strangely afraid and tried to pretend that he had not seen him , but Basil hurried after him .
22 In the meantime , I think David had come to realize that he was responsible for an enormous amount of business at RCA in the United Kingdom — something like 4% of their total gross was David Bowie products — and he was making an enormous amount of money but he did n't have anything .
23 And now , now they 've come to realize that he 's only on a wage , he 's on a bloody good wage and all .
24 Because wh when , when we were looking at , at , at the I mean sort of things the implication to me seemed to be that , that this in itself is a successful policy , rent reduction , interest rate reduction methods improving er productivity , increasing input , in themselves are satisfying the demands of the peasantry and you would not need to go beyond that , I mean well did n't need to , he is n't the ideal , but he did n't need to go and he , he was doing very well out of it .
25 Sometimes new tooling and equipment er and as I said before , a craftsman always looks to see if he can do a particular job better , if not somewhat easier er than hitherto .
26 Adams showed the authority and leadership you would expect from a defender who has won 17 caps at senior level but in World Cup terms the most significant performance came from Gascoigne , who cut out the asides and showed some of the tactical discipline he has to acquire if he is to make the most of his natural talent in international football .
27 She tried to see if he were concealed among the group hanging around near the circolo , but without lifting her eyes to scan them like a strumpet .
28 In those days a man was allocated duties , it is true they tried to arrange that he was on early spread , medium or late duties but it did n't always work out because of holidays , sickness or that but erm there were no restriction on hours .
29 The assembled friends were told by Brendan Bracken in tones of wonderment that Churchill — that great Francophile — had rung to bellow that he would watch them die without a qualm if they ‘ ratted on Poland as they had ratted on Czechoslovakia , ’ while Bob Boothby told them repeatedly how he had exhorted Winston to ‘ break Chamberlain and take his place ’ .
30 The AS presumably indicates Andrew Stavanger , and the TMJ will be his secretary , or one of the typing staff And it reads sensibly enough — it is just the sort of letter that he might have been expected to write if he got back to his office late and were told that you had been trying to get in touch with him .
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