Example sentences of "[verb] [pos pn] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I divided my time between my hundreds of pet animals at home and the wild animals in the Wiltshire countryside .
2 I divided my time between Herbert 's and his father 's home .
3 ‘ I am wasting my time with you .
4 I can appreciate Edouard would rather have me wasting my time at the museum instead of going round to his flat and trying to persuade Barbara Coleman to leave , but sending someone to kill me was rather an over-reaction . ’
5 As a result , I was often wasting my time during our first few flying sessions .
6 They think I 'm reconciled , but I 've only been biding my time for a chance like this one you 've brought me now .
7 ‘ I really have enjoyed my time with BNFL and I am sure I will miss everyone , ’ he said .
8 ‘ I 've thoroughly enjoyed my time as manager and put 100 per cent effort into the job .
9 Although I did not entirely enjoy my time as a ‘ check knitter ’ , I learned one valuable lesson .
10 Younger sons did not at this time seek to maintain their gentility by going into the church or the army or by living off an annuity that allowed them to pass their time in respectable ease .
11 Despite the many improvements in state provision Eva found her time at social services a great eye opener .
12 In 1929 the work of a cub reporter on a small town daily newspaper occupied his time from early morning until often late at night , seven days a week — in other words whenever something newsworthy was happening it had to be covered , and there were no limits to the time spent or the hours required to adequately cover any given assignment .
13 Speaking after his acquittal , Darren Nichol described his time under suspicion as a ‘ dreadful ordeal ’ .
14 Bourke did not enjoy his time in Russia and on 23 October 1968 returned to his native Ireland .
15 Not so ! always said that he had enjoyed his time at Kirkcaldy and at the lunch he underlined that sentiment .
16 He devoted his time to the completion of the mansion and pleasure gardens at Alton Towers begun by his uncle , who had made the place his home .
17 A two-acre garden surrounded the house , and here he devoted his time to horticultural experiments , among them the one that produced the apple bearing his name , Cox 's Orange Pippin .
18 But he firmly eschewed political involvement and devoted his time to his diocese and to building .
19 He joined the Young Communist League , and although he did attend lectures , he used his time in London as an opportunity to deepen his commitment to the abolition of poverty by establishing communism in England .
20 The fourth day and the evening following he felt well and was able to pass his time in his usual occupations .
21 However , half-a-thumb's-length beyond it ( roughly two minutes at 75kts ) is another very distinctive marker point , a 300ft mast reaching to over 700ft amsl ( L ) which we can use to back-confirm our time over the half-way point as we pass south abeam it .
22 I described our time at Canjuers , the singing and the landscapes .
23 We stayed in a cheap boarding-house from which the landlord saw fit to evict us for all the hours of daylight ; strolling abroad , we devoted our time to churchgoing and to incoherent altercations with the Italian police .
24 When preparing a suggestion for costs to your opponents you should run through a checklist of the following tasks which are likely to have occupied your time during the case and assess how long you have spent on those tasks or how much time you think you should charge for having completed those tasks : Letters out , miscellaneous telephone calls .
25 I would describe our time in Siret as being able to see just a few rays of light in a very dark week .
26 He argued that teenagers were wasting their opportunities at Dovercourt , keeping the futile hope alive that they would be adopted by rich families and lead a fine life , when they could have been using their time to constructive purpose .
27 Between 1882 and 1889 she divided her time between tours of the United States and appearances on various London stages .
28 Here she divided her time between private studies at the British Museum library , literary work , and lecturing on eighteenth-century literature .
29 During World War I Alice divided her time between entertaining in her home in Grosvenor Street and helping her friend , Lady Sarah Wilson , run a hospital for wounded soldiers in Boulogne .
30 I realized I would get no help from the Treasury and , indeed , I suspected that they could not understand why the department was wasting its time on this issue at all .
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