Example sentences of "[verb] [subord] it 's " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've seen all his films except Do Me A Favour ! which funnily enough I 've never managed to catch although it 's on TV all the time .
2 Some people might not object although it 's anonymous
3 ‘ Angalo thinks it matters if it 's true . ’
4 If I see one that looks like it 's growing good , I might give it some extra feed and talk to it a bit . ’
5 His leg looks like it 's broke — it 's sticking out at a funny angle .
6 The lights in the caff are still on — it looks like it 's open , but it ai n't , cos I tried the doors and they 're locked .
7 He 's got to work this one out for himself sooner or later , and it looks like it 's going to be sooner . ’
8 Looks like it 's going to be a year of extremes , ’ Yanto grunted
9 ‘ It looks like it 's going to be a record , ’ said group MD Tony Salem .
10 My desk now looks like it 's Christmas .
11 Looks like it 's going to be a very full summer ahead !
12 It looks like it 's going to be difficult to shrug this one off , picking at the racist scab was never going to do anyone any good , quiffy boy .
13 I read the words through first ; looks like it 's the statement our man phoned in after Sir Rufus was flame-grilled ; Welsh Nationalist extremists apparently claiming responsibility .
14 I know you enjoy your own company and that 's a good thing 'cause it looks like it 's the only kind you 'll ever get .
15 Looks like it 's gon na be a long night .
16 I 'm not being facile , but we came from the sea , we 've dumped on it for years and it looks like it 's getting its own back .
17 ‘ So it looks like it 's all solved already .
18 If the confrontation between Nazareth and Rome looks like it 's becoming unproductive , the teacher can come out of role and ask the children to reflect on what has been happening — perhaps through discussion , perhaps through a short piece of writing ( a diary entry , a letter to a friend , a sketch representing how the townspeople feel about the power relationship , or — shifting the perspective — the report that the Roman has to make to his commanding officer ) .
19 Looks like it 's very inhabitable .
20 Oh , looks like it 's coffee break time — again .
21 Looks like it 's over to the Government , Kirsty .
22 assistants are in doubt It looks like it 's going to be group supply in here .
23 It looks like it 's a really deep cut by looking at it now .
24 They 're really good the ones er of your trolls Carla it looks like it 's an actual
25 . But they choose their own stories so you And if you , it looks like it 's going to be an exceedingly long story you can
26 Looks like it 's alright .
27 That looks like it 's stuffed does n't it ?
28 Well it looks like it 's a handy for one or something .
29 That 's why I said , it looks like it 's from bank .
30 it looks like it 's a snowball to me
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