Example sentences of "[verb] [det] who would " in BNC.

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1 In a game similar to that devised for the radio show Desert Island Discs , we listed those who would get one bullet from a six-gun , and placed them in order of preference , much in the way the FBI listed the top wanted men in the USA .
2 Though purists may object , the performances of all four concertos on the disc spring to life , fast movements as well as slow , and will equally delight those who would normally choose an account on modern instruments .
3 The latest official denial followed the publication of the first OPCS report in September 1988 , when the Minister for the Disabled said that ‘ the resulting estimate of six million disabled people includes many who would not regard themselves as disabled or in need of special help from services or cash benefits .
4 The music grew louder , the Chelsea Granada welcomed all who would like to come in and watch the transmission of Bootsie and Snudge .
5 The local ice-cream shop is run by a Norwich man who informed all who would listen that he sold more types of ice-cream than Sainsbury 's .
6 It is this we must grasp if we are to challenge those who would seek to impose a tight curriculum upon all children .
7 GCE O and A levels were devised when a large proportion of children left school after the fifth year , and when it was therefore sensible to have a block of examinations taken in that year , to operate partly as a school-leaving certification , partly as a screen , to select those who would stay on .
8 Following pests and diseases is a section that will interest those who would like to try their hands at raising their own new plants , and perhaps even achieving fame in the process !
9 The failure to link the realities of a community dependent on state benefits with the expressed aim of creating an enterprise culture has also affected those who would want to become self-employed .
10 This suggests the significance of specialist workers in two possible ways : either preventing compulsion where there was insufficient risk to the patient or others , or persuading those who would otherwise have been sectioned to enter hospital informally .
11 The US ‘ will never join those who would undermine the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , ’ he said .
12 And finally , brethren , let us ask the Almighty to look down upon us and our endeavours with His special favour , beseeching Him that He may send a blessing upon our daily tasks , and that in His infinite wisdom He may smite our enemies , and destroy those who would destroy us .
13 He supported the measures recently announced to protect those who would be affected by the transition , which included unemployment benefit and retraining opportunities .
14 This was strong language , and must have swayed many who would have liked to uphold the religious tradition of burying the body whole to await resurrection .
15 Polly swallowed , her mouth suddenly dry at the thought of those bronzed and powerful arms holding her close against his lean , hard-muscled body as , with a warning glare , he kept those who would come between them at bay .
16 To a less immediately visible extent the institution of policing is also set up to control those who would publicly demonstrate against the state and its executive powers .
17 This may lead those who would otherwise oppose the practice to defend it on cultural grounds .
18 Unionist MPs have been quick to condemn those who would try to express their loyalty by attacks on defenceless fellow-citizens , but Mr John Taylor must be more careful with his language .
19 Hilton urges those who would know God to think of themselves as pilgrims to " Ierusalem-ward " set out on a journey to the centre of their own inner world : He thus brings into play resonances from the traditional Augustinian image of the City of God the desire for which activates the Christian life and from allegorical exegesis where Jerusalem signifies , morally , the soul of the faithful Christian striving for the vision of peace and , anagogically , the life of those in heaven who see God face to face .
20 For a building steeped in so much history it 's present condition saddens those who would like to see it restored .
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