Example sentences of "[verb] [det] day ['s] " in BNC.

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1 Also visit the press to see that day 's paper being printed .
2 Paddy and I shared the neurosis of spending longer than necessary calculating where we would be on what date if we maintained that day 's speed .
3 ‘ Dëkuji , ’ she tried out a Czech thank-you to the man on Reception who sold her a stamp for three crowns and assured her her card would catch that day 's post .
4 And 'e niver played another day 's cricket for England for Yorkshire .
5 The paper 's usual film reporter would write the story from Miranda 's notes ; he 'd already attended several days ' shooting of the new , as yet untitled film , the first Meursault to be made in Britain , which was a supreme sign that the decade was making all the difference to the world 's view of the country , and its relation to the avant-garde .
6 She still retained her English habit of noting each day 's weather , always expecting changes , marvelling at the hot sunny days which followed one after the other , almost with monotony .
7 the average number of customers over the week ( add each day 's total customers together , then divide that total by the number of days in the working week ) .
8 If you feel when you read each day 's diet that you will need more to eat , then you can increase the amount quite easily .
9 I do n't think anybody enjoyed that day 's work .
10 So here I am , installed in my new office , beginning another day 's work .
11 These are available on prescription when the patient is at home but it is usual to give several days ' supplies to patients in case they are unable to obtain a prescription immediately .
12 However , do read each day 's ‘ Introduction ’ and ‘ Positive thought for the day ’ as you go through the programme as these will encourage you to persevere .
13 Matthew Carr contemplates another day 's painting .
14 Not surprisingly , the children also felt that day 's drama to be very special .
15 Are we all resolved to finish this day 's work ? ’
16 I scowled at the thought of having to fork out the half-crown to cover his fine , which simply meant another day 's profits down the drain .
17 Mr Silvers , however , had remembered the significance the visit would have for my father , and had thus called him in to offer him the option of taking several days ' leave for the duration of the General 's stay .
18 There was logic in this distinction ; for if the duties of a vassal were such as Fulbert defined them , then in fulfilling them the fidelis whose estates were close to those of his lord would have to make many sacrifices , while for one who lived several days ' journey away , not making a nuisance of himself would be a relatively painless matter .
19 On those occasions when he had felt the need to demonstrate his power to management , he would create an instant departmental dispute which always had the immediate effect of lowering that day 's efficiency to below fifty per cent .
20 I think another day 's work .
21 If you follow this day 's eating you will get through only 2,778 calories .
22 All had several days ' growth of beard and were dressed in a motley collection of civilian clothing .
23 It happened this way : in the early days of the northwest telegraph service , the stations along the line were designated by numbers , and they ended each day 's transmissions with that number .
24 There will be around in the room when they 're doing this any six research students who have experience with the equipment , and a lecturer , and the school teacher who was involved in planning that day 's work .
25 ‘ I had a full-time job at Saffery Champness and then crammed another day 's work in .
26 Shreeves ' side have another day 's advantage on the other British teams involved in Europe as they do n't meet Porto in their second round second leg tie until Thursday night .
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