Example sentences of "[verb] [det] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The female has a colour pattern which almost fits that given for the Threadfin Goldie .
2 What do you think that does for ?
3 This pattern of differentiation in vitro parallels that seen as a result of TCR-mediated positive selection in vivo , and is accompanied by the development of functionally competent cells .
4 A reduction in the number of toes on each foot parallels that seen in fleet-of-foot mammals .
5 Alexander the Great knew this intuitively when , himself having been wounded in the thigh , he walked round his wounded men and asked each to talk about his experience in the battle and how his wound had been received .
6 Greed is the least of the problems , though the administration was not amused when Israel pushed its luck by suggesting that to help with its Gulf expenses — missile damage , the cost of the prolonged military alert , loss of tourism and so on — America might like to double the $3 billion it already gives Israel each year .
7 At that particular moment of time , as the leader of the Labour group here , I had a discussion with the leader of the Labour group on Thamesdown Borough Council , with the political officer down there , and I was asked to resist any attempt to sell off the garden of Swindon , because once Thamesdown became a unitary authority , it would want that to sell for itself to get it 's capital .
8 I do n't want that to happen to my daughter so I smacked her for stealing and lying . ’
9 If the Prime Minister reads the debate in Committee and sees the praise that I heaped on the Minister during those 12 sittings , the Minister will be next for the chop in the reshuffle , and I would not want that to happen to him .
10 You would n't want that to happen to your friend . ’
11 Quite convinced that meeting you would dispel the fantasy , and yet at the same time did n't want that to happen at all .
12 We intend that to apply to the Navy and to the Air Force as well .
13 London Marathon : Tolstikov 's prizes bring little comfort in a changing world Ken Mays talks to last year 's men 's winner from Siberia who is preparing on the coast for his double attempt
14 I mean that comes off it , I can see that much , I just thought it was good anyway
15 I mean that has to be dealt with through the development control processes .
16 Looking at the overall position , farmers might be forgiven for seeing little to cheer in these figures .
17 When she got that come from .
18 The new money will still leave gearing at 60 per cent , but Mr Scott says the company will be happy with that level of debt , given that gearing at other transport groups can be as high as 90 per cent .
19 Mary White , the secretary of the Mount Leinster MAG warned , ‘ You may think this going to be a small hole gouged out of the mountain but it reaches for five miles on top of Tomduff .
20 Then , there is the real possibility that a serious defeat for the government could result in a general election and , under the British system , the opposition , just as much as the government , would prefer this to happen at a time favourable to themselves .
21 It is a special occasion as it coincides with a lovely Flower Celebration and we have Canon Harney to thank very much for allowing this to happen in our lovely Cathedral .
22 All the reasons why she should n't be allowing this faded into insignificance .
23 This led some to speak of a ‘ natural religion ’ implanted in the human heart and necessary to human well-being .
24 I particularly do not want this to happen to feminism ; hence my choice of subject for this essay .
25 He did n't want this to come between them .
26 She knew that he had tried to give her the impression that he was going off on a promiscuous adventure and expected this to arouse in her both admiration and jealousy , but as Lydia 's misdemeanours were more of the spirit than of the flesh she found promiscuity not merely sinful but foolish and disgusting .
27 They lay half entwined like this for some time , occasionally exchanging kisses .
28 I mean this talks about what this particular booklet does , and and why we 're saying , it would have been useful to have had this probably for our last meeting really .
29 These have to take account of the possibilities of accidents leading to damaged cores and one would expect to see this done for Sizewell .
30 Many believed that the Liberal Labour alliance was a threat to a system of government built up over centuries and they were not prepared to see this done without at least a clear decision by the electorate .
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