Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The other clear major factor was that a result of public consultation er and clearly this was an important consideration when members came to choose the route , that seventy percent of those consulted favoured the outer northern route , the blue route .
2 I might 've guessed the worst when the scrum fell apart for me like the Red Sea .
3 He must 've broken the other arm because the next day he had both arms in plaster .
4 this geezer from Bedlam yeah got stopped the other day in this car yeah , he was pissed , he was tripping and he was speeding yeah , no M O T , no licence , no tax , no ruddy insurance yeah
5 You should 've heard the different birds .
6 There is no pretence of competition with commercial banks for private sector business , and there is some suggestion that the accounts are maintained in order for the Bank to keep in touch with banking practice , although the degree to which such experience accrues is likely to be limited given the small number of accounts relative to a commercial bank .
7 This result might seem puzzling given the conventional characterisation of most Friends in the eighteenth century as quietist ‘ following their habit of attending religiously to their internal impressions ’ .
8 What is dysfunctional is expenditure in the form of social expenses on system maintenance , either through legitimation or coercion , although discussion has emphasized the former .
9 However , like Welsh national consciousness itself , the University has emphasized the cultural , linguistic and academic aspects of the country 's life at the expense of the vocational and technological .
10 Eric Voegelin has emphasized the fundamental difference between what he calls the ‘ cosmological ’ civilizations , which presupposed the political symbolization of the cosmos typified by Babylonia with its epic of Marduk , and ‘ eschatological ’ civilizations such as the Hebrew — but first exemplified by the Iranian — based on the religion of Zarathustra .
11 The end-of-term jollity was illustrative of the relaxed atmosphere that has pervaded the final week of the Liberal Democrat election drive — a product not merely of the light-headedness of exhaustion but also of the undoubted success of what has been a well-judged campaign .
12 His is an angry , radical critique of the changes taking place , arguing that market ideology has pervaded the Scottish universities to the extent that their work has lost its breadth , its pace , its ability to question and its identity .
13 One used to be able to listen to light classical music on Radio 2 on a Sunday morning , but that has disappeared , and Radio 4 's topsy-turvy ‘ streamlining ’ has wrecked the listening habits of years .
14 The problem has delayed the second phase by 18 months .
15 ROBERT Powell Thomas of Barham Road , Petersfield has received the Imperial Service Medal .
16 Rev Tiit Salumäe , Director of the Information Department with the Church of Estonia , has received the 1991 information award of the Church of Finland .
17 The Radio Production Centre ( CEPRA ) in Cochabamba , Bolivia , has received the 1992 Silver Condor award from the Communication Commission of the Bolivian Episcopal Conference and the Bolivian Radio Education organisation in recognition of its outstanding work in the service of the Bolivian people .
18 The notorious Atlantic trade in black Africans has received the extensive and controversial attention of historians , and that is as it should be , for it was a shameful traffic for which apologetics are quite out of order .
19 Of all the elements that go to make up the accident causation system , the one that has received the least attention in residential areas is the design of the road network itself .
20 I can only take it that he was n't that concerned , that perhaps the Chief Constable does n't share Mr 's concerns , and is perhaps happy that he has received the generous funding that we state he has .
21 Scottish stalwart Ann Packard has received the 1993 Chairman 's Award for services to BAIE .
22 McGregor , who was found guilty , has received the Humane Society Award for saving life and the Strathclyde Police Award for bravery , and will now face police disciplinary action .
23 It is certain , though , that the constructivism that has received the most attention in psychology and philosophy has been the developmental theory of Jean Piaget .
24 To date , he has received the most commissons of any architectural ‘ mousequeteer ’ : three at Disneyland , Florida , one in Burbank , California , three at Euro Disney .
25 The creditors ' committee does not come into being until the trustee has issued a certificate of its due constitution ( r 6.151 ) and his certificate must not be issued until he has received the written consent to act from three members of the committee ( r6.151(3A) ) .
26 It seems to me there is no foundation for it whatever ; all that a court of justice can look to is the parliamentary roll ; they see that an Act has passed both Houses of Parliament , and that it has received the royal assent , and no court of justice can inquire into the manner in which it was introduced into Parliament , what was done previously to its being introduced , or what passed in Parliament during the various stages of its progress through both Houses of Parliament .
27 In retrospect the pace of international expansion may seem extravagant , especially since the franchising route which has eased the financial pain of UK expansion was not thought practicable abroad .
28 He argues that , in seeking to protect children from poverty , AFDC has eased the financial strain of raising children alone ; so more women do so .
29 Kinnock has made great changes and one admires the way he has manipulated the Labour Party towards reality .
30 As the brilliant loner scientist Seth Brundle , Jeff Goldblum thinks he has developed the perfect , instant form of transport between two telepods .
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