Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [subord] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Then , while going through a divorce , I literally forgot about the fish ; the filter broke down and his tank became polluted as well as becoming overgrown with algae .
2 Few American businessmen believe that their economy has fared as well as Germany 's , but it has .
3 The King 's Private Secretary , Lord Stamfordham , wrote to MacDonald to say that the King was ‘ profoundly impressed with Sir Arthur Balfour 's letter to you — his review of the critical condition of affairs will , in His Majesty 's opinion , bring home to his Ministers that the time has come when even emergency measures may be necessary in order to avert a calamity which , as Sir Arthur Balfour states , is not altogether incompatible with that of the Great War .
4 A notable innovation was the proposal that Class A applications should be deemed granted if not decided upon within forty-two days .
5 And this shifting between the past and almost- present is equally felt in the choreography — it contains some of the cleanest , most authoritative classical dance Page has produced while simultaneously suggesting modern bodies and modern mores in the way the dancers loll negligently on the floor or challenge each other 's strength .
6 A congenital abnormality is considered corrected when early paediatric surgery results in there being practically no residual defect , or no or minimal after effects .
7 Oh this has got as well .
8 Manager McGrath has watched as both Cavan and Fermanagh have been caught napping in the championship so far and does not want a similar fate to befall his side .
9 Columbia , now owned by Japan 's Sony , has become as well known for the high spending of its management team , Peter Guber and Jon Peters , as its films ; Mr Peters has now taken a back seat .
10 In the meantime , it is clear that many judges consider that the Lord Chancellor 's Department has ceased to act as an intermediary or ‘ hinge ’ between themselves and the executive Government and has become as much a part of the governmental machinery as any other Department of State .
11 It 's a frequent irritation however that British television companies are n't obliged to give the credit that is so manifestly due , especially since , in the last few years , the quality and range of recorded music for dramas and documentaries has become as almost diverse as that used in European cinema over the last few decades .
12 A new collection of 19 papers published by the Brookings Institution ( ‘ The Urban Underclass ’ , edited by Christopher Jencks and Paul Peterson ) has arrived when both the administration and Congress are discussing anti-poverty policy .
13 Erm I did say at the time if the Council agreed it was we would approve the new application it would only be if the original was rescinded and I did speak to the Town Clerk so there 's no need , I 'm not making a big issue , but I think the Council should be aware and the Town Clerk I believe has notified because again this is one of those things that could happen at a later date and as we all know if we have n't made these things perfectly clear .
14 The interaction between effective but sensitive community self-surveillance and police surveillance has emerged as perhaps the most favoured approach .
15 As a result of industrialisation land has been replaced by capital as the most important means of production and in the process , real wages or , expressed differently the value of human capital , has increased as well .
16 ‘ Should the thief read this and comprehend the distress he has caused as well as the futility of his action , if he organises the return of our parts , perhaps through a third party , then we will take no further action . ’
17 Our Montgomeryshire Branch Chairman has asked if both the Radnor and Brecknock Branches would send him copies of their responses to the structure plan , for his information .
18 I was down at T V I as well borrowing their video camera and er Margaret said that she 'd be quite keen to come involved as well if I want any help from her
19 But even though the players on the 1990 tour were paid a basic £83,000 over two years , that has gone as well .
20 But if it is the case , simply and conclusively , that music ‘ must intervene actively in consciousness through its own forms and not take instructions from … the consciousness of the user ’ ( quoted in Held 1980 : 83 ) , the baby has gone as well as the bath water and utopian critique begins to look suspiciously like spiritual determinism , autonomy like repression .
21 At all events SLA research , though of considerable theoretical and descriptive interest , has yielded as yet nothing definitive upon which one might confidently model an approach to formal teaching which replicates the process of natural learning ( see Chapter 2 ) .
22 It is a tribute to his determination over his 22 years that he has achieved where so many before him have failed .
23 The enormous success of the Matisse show currently at the Museum of Modern Art , New York , has coincided if not resulted in a large number of works appearing this season .
24 You know , your hair li , I suppose this has dried as well
25 For any political party that makes any pretence of seeking the government of this country to want to remove from the courts the sanction that my hon. Friend has described as so essential is utterly irresponsible .
26 Their diet has changed as well .
27 The ratio between decision making/taking and repair timings has changed as well .
28 Simon Peter , of course , is the best known and probably the most popular of Jesus 's original entourage — the one whom tradition has established as virtually synonymous with Christianity itself .
29 And of course there 's enough chuntering for them to appear divided as well . ’
30 Ooh oh that one 's come undone as well in there mm
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