Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] [v-ing] from " in BNC.

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1 There is a real risk of mice , especially young animals , drowning or dying from the effects of a soaking if a bottle or nozzle of an automatic system leaks .
2 In 1629 the Tsar Mikhail severely reproved Louis XIII himself for failing to use his full title in official letters and warned him that " We can not approve your habit of wishing to be our friend and yet denying and taking from us the titles and qualities which almighty God has given us and which we so justly possess . "
3 ‘ It sprang from the tightness of his jeans , leaping and rearing from the shorts that draped it .
4 I see me in my shame , the horror of this hour ; mascara fallout littering my face like ashes , my skin dank with the sweat of Crilly and myself , my underwear torn and hanging from my hips , and me , small and stoned and sobbing , beneath the stern emphatic white of Siobhan 's cross .
5 The research and teaching interests of the Department of English Literature and its Postgraduate School are varied and challenging from Medieval Studies to Postmodernism and from traditional literary scholarship to contemporary literary theory , and were marked in 1992 by the award of the highest possible ranking in the national research selectivity exercise .
6 Much litter is related to vehicles too , whether thrown from them in passing or resulting from their roadside cleansing or repair .
7 While his explanations do not seem clearly to separate older arguments about managers under- or over-investing from the impact of the business-cycle stage itself , it does seem clear that investment at the right time , i.e. early in the product life-cycle , does lead to increased ROI if management is able to establish its product in the market place and control costs .
8 In thin book we address questions which are frequently raised by those groups likely to be involved in establishing , promoting and benefiting from Compacts : employers , teachers , students , careers service , parents , education authorities , governors , trade unionists , community organisations .
9 They were dragged , shrieking and weeping from their homes and hurled like so much old clothing into the middle of the road .
10 They were in the audience shouting and cheering from what I saw .
11 Cheering , shouting and clapping from public gallery as sentences on Michelle , 22 , and Lisa , 19 , quashed as ‘ unsafe and unsatisfactory ’ .
12 Now awareness of other persons similarly depends on synthesizing perception of their bodies with imagining and feeling from their viewpoints , and awareness of myself on synthesizing imagination of my body from other viewpoints with perceiving and feeling from my own ; otherwise I would become , to vary Ryle 's dictum that the mind has been commonly conceived as ‘ a ghost in a machine ’ , a ghost in the company of machines , no longer aware that I resemble other people in the respects in which they resemble each other .
13 Then spring again , and with the greening of the land the creature gave birth to birds before waiting in the deepest thicket for the call of the Men who were hunting and gathering from the forest .
14 When I began to be seen around camp with a new face , I was subjected to a lot of nudging and winking from those who did n't know the facts , and people came up to me with knowing smiles on their faces , saying , ‘ I see you 've got a new boyfriend !
15 The rest of the squadron , circling and watching from five hundred feet , took their turns .
16 A scene of organised chaos greeted visitors to the festival , with games going on amid much cheering and urging from excited parents and coaches , many apparently enjoying the occasion as much as the players themselves .
17 I could hear singing and moaning from a far corner .
18 Pallister and Bruce getting the better marks ( presumably for handling and tackling from behind respectively ) .
19 Plate tectonics appears to be the device , unexplained in Wegener 's day , that permits the continents to drift : it is a process whereby the rigid , relatively cool plates that cover the earth 's hot and partially plastic asthenosphere , forty miles down , shift slowly about , colliding and separating from the other plates by turn .
20 Serious self-injury , such as deep cutting — which may endanger major blood vessels , nerves , and tendons — and shooting , hanging and jumping from buildings , all of which are usually associated with serious suicidal intent .
21 They were either taking off , landing , forming in formation , going and coming from targets on the continent .
22 Celebrating and learning from success , establishing excellence as the basis for action .
23 Then , unable to look at him , she was turning and rushing from the room .
24 With the words had come the fleeting impression of dark , sinuous creatures who could slither out of the shadows and wind their cold , serpentine fingers about you , so that you were trapped , who could twine about your entire body , so that you were smothered and suffocating from the cold embrace …
25 Such pictures are invaluable for mapping CL zones in carbonate cements which are to be sampled for AAS and stable isotope analysis by drilling or scraping from individual cement stages .
26 They had disturbed alligators in the shallows of the river , listened to unseen deer bark in the riverside thickets , and a herd of wild pigs had fled snuffling and grunting from a stagnant pool at their approach .
27 In The Outsiders , the gang , their friends and rivals spend their time mugging and jumping people , stealing and robbing from shops .
28 He felt that things were loosening and slipping from his grasp .
29 This was exacerbated , he added , by many students having no experience of book buying and coming from a ‘ culture ’ in which books were not valued and often from backgrounds unsympathetic to academic development .
30 If the work you wish to attract is private client based and emanating from normal households , do not forget the possibility of a mail drop .
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