Example sentences of "[verb] [noun prp] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I met Marianne on Jerba , an island claiming mythic status as the place where the Sirens held Ulysses .
2 Iraq formally annexed Kuwait on Aug. 8 , in defiance of the imposition of UN sanctions [ see below ] and despite the arrival of US forces in Saudi Arabia .
3 That demand was apparently dropped when Yeltsin met Gorbachev on Jan. 8 , however , and Russia 's formula for its contributions was accepted .
4 The Minister of Foreign Affairs , Farooq ash-Shar " , visited Germany on Sept. 16-17 for talks with his German counterpart Hans-Dietrich Genscher .
5 President Nursultan Nazarbayev visited Germany on Sept. 21-23 and France on Sept 23-25 .
6 Prime Minister Itzhak Rabin visited Germany on Sept. 14-16 .
7 President Gorbachev of the Soviet Union visited Germany on Nov. 9-10 .
8 Russian President Boris Yeltsin visited Germany on Nov. 21-23 ( his first foreign visit since the August coup attempt in the Soviet Union ) .
9 He say Stoke on Trent .
10 They turn round and say to me , they never say Stoke on Trent , they turn round and say to me , what part of Yorkshire are you from ?
11 German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher visited Moscow on March 17-18 .
12 In accordance with the agreement to continue to consult regularly , Foreign Minister Gianni De Michelis visited Moscow on April 16-18 , 1990 .
13 Farooq ash-Shar " , the Syrian Foreign Affairs Minister , visited Moscow on April 3-4 , for talks with his Soviet counterpart Aleksandr Bessmertnykh and with President Gorbachev .
14 The then Polish Defence Minister , Florian Siwicki , visited Moscow on Dec. 4-6 .
15 Havel visited Moscow on Feb. 26-27 , holding talks with President Gorbachev on bilateral relations and developments in Europe , including the unification of the two German states ( on which the two leaders were reported to hold a very close position ) .
16 Prunskiene visited Moscow on May 17 for a meeting with Gorbachev and Soviet Prime Minister Nikolai Ryzhkov .
17 A parliamentary delegation headed by Kastriot Islami , chair of the Albanian People 's Assembly , visited Moscow on July 4-8 .
18 Japanese Foreign Minister , Taro Nakayama , visited Moscow on Oct. 12 .
19 President Mauno Koivisto of Finland visited Moscow on June 24-25 for talks with Soviet politicians including President Gorbachev and Russian President-elect Boris Yeltsin ; talks centred on trade , the Soviet Union having accounted for as much as 25 per cent of Finland 's foreign exports in the 1980s but for only 12 per cent in 1990 and an expected 5 per cent in 1991 .
20 External Affairs Minister Madhavsinh Solanki visited Moscow on Nov. 14-18 , where he had talks with Soviet President Gorbachev and the then Soviet Foreign Minister Boris Pankin .
21 This reaffirmation of Hanoi 's scheme was given despite the lobbying of the Thai Foreign Minister , Sitthi Sawtsila , who visited Moscow on behalf of ASEAN a week prior to Nguyen Van Linh .
22 Dumas visited Moscow on Jan. 22-23 , travelling on to the capitals of Ukraine , Byelarus and Kazakhstan .
23 Antal Annus , Secretary of State at the Ministry of Defence , visited Romania on Feb. 29-March 1 , holding talks with Lt.-Gen.
24 A delegation from the Western European Union ( WEU ) , led by its Secretary-General , Willem van Eekelen , visited Romania on Nov. 4 .
25 The US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs , Herman Cohen , visited Mauritius on Nov. 9-11 and reaffirmed that the USA would maintain a presence in the Indian Ocean region as long as it was considered necessary .
26 The US Vice-President , Dan Quayle , visited Panama on Jan. 27-28 , 1990 , and declared that the USA wanted to withdraw its troops from Panama as quickly as possible .
27 When the British foreign secretary , Sir Geoffrey Howe , visited Peshawar on March 28th and talked to resistance leaders , he ducked the issue by saying that Britain 's practice was to recognise states , not governments .
28 In some areas , such as titanium dioxide , a pigment for paints and plastics , it is challenging ICI on innovation .
29 A high-level PLO delegation visited Syria on May 26-28 for talks with , amongst others , President Hafez al-Assad , Vice-President Abdel Halim Khaddam and Foreign Minister Farooq ash-Shar " .
30 President Rafsanjani visited Syria on April 27-29 , on his first trip abroad since assuming the presidency .
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