Example sentences of "[verb] [noun prp] was [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And I came and , and I did n't think Harlow was for me because I , it was all very built up and lots of roundabouts but the people , the partners were so lovely and er I saw some of the patients and I thought they were very lovely too , so this is where I 've been .
2 Interpol investigations revealed Lisa was in a buggy being pushed by her mum Elizabeth when the car reversed , catching the pram and crushing it against a pillarbox .
3 Cassock and surplice , a black cassock and white surplice once I told you that my grandmother was once living with us , she used to delight in washing my surplice and ironing it up except me when I was singing in the choir , I did n't take a , the treble solos , that was after the choir used to sister of ours at least oh twenty men , and as many lads and youths the as I say Johnny was in the choir there was er the two brothers and there was Dick was a incense boy and his father was a manager to go in the , he used to have a red cassock and surplice , but he used to Dick 's dad was the incense swinger and they used to go about swinging incense and that , I do n't suppose they do that at all now , but er your first job as a choirboy was to pump the organ it , have you ever been in the church ?
4 Dana did n't know Berenice was in danger of losing her child ; she was careless , but not vicious .
5 Nurse Dungarvan was in no condition to explain anything .
6 That it came to this shows how involved Priestley was in the religious disputes and politics of his day .
7 But if so , how did he know Aldrich was on the train ? ’
8 On my return Staff Nurse Robins was after my blood .
9 The prime suspect was Vic , though how would he know Mungo was in here ?
10 At the time of which I 'm writing Alison was in her third year studying French and Russian at university and Sandy , having qualified in medicine , was doing a year 's postgraduate research in the States .
11 His upward swing of mood since meeting Rose was like a glider flying above the clouds where all was serene .
12 ‘ The last time I 'd seen Nelson was in the courtroom in 1964 , ’ Mrs Sisulu said .
13 Police believed Elstob was under the influence of drink or drugs .
14 The last time Constance had visited London was in 1938 .
15 Birgit Nilsson was in London for a dinner to pay tribute to Christopher Raeburn .
16 Traditionally , the time to visit Madeira was in the winter months ( October to April ) , to escape the cold northern European winters , and the low season was in the summer months .
17 As it happened Acheson was in Paris when the cable arrived ; the Embassy replied with the unanimous opinion that it would be a serious mistake to deliver the memorandum ; and Acheson , having seen the correspondence , agreed that it would be inappropriate at the time .
18 On the day of the discovery of Sandy 's body he remembered Buchanan had called at Livingstone Manor , had been told Hauser was in Finland .
19 Carnach Rorim was to their east as they continued , and Tagan saw one of its patrols once , far off , but the company went unnoticed .
20 The repeated baseline showed Olwyn was in bed every night by 8pm .
21 Zoe tried to explain , keeping her voice low on account of the boy : she 'd thought Lowell was in love with a Victorian photograph — and that was crazy .
22 Ke Pauk was in charge of the central zone of Cambodia under Pol Pot , and carried out the purges of Khmer Rouge cadres in the Eastern zone in 1977 and 1978 which forced many to flee to Vietnam , including Hun Sen and Heng Samrin , currently Prime Minister and President of the Phnom Penh government .
23 You mean Meg was with you ? ’
24 They discovered Lily was on the stage — had just left it .
25 When the men of the World Council of Churches in Geneva heard Arthur was at Caux they phoned him to come and tell them the truth about Rhodesia .
26 General Secretaries would then be obliged to satisfy the membership and could be put in a classic squeeze when they were approached at top level , even if supporting NoS was against their better judgement .
27 This ratio was especially desirable on those nights when a certain ex-journalist called Eric was on duty , making suggestive and tedious jokes .
28 They collided , Hughes sensed McClair was in a better position to punish the error , but Laws recovered .
29 Wee Charlie was with her , clutched to her bosom .
30 She might have known Victoria was in Miguel 's confidence .
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