Example sentences of "[verb] [noun prp] would like " in BNC.

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1 Jones says Oxfordshire would like more comprehensive information on health needs and less on education .
2 I suspect Lil would like to make further efforts towards reconciliation .
3 I know Steven would like .
4 ‘ I know Jane would like to see you .
5 I know Louise would like you to have something , ’ he said quietly .
6 What do you think Audrey 'd like , indeed if I know — and Joan 's getting to the stage where she looks at toys and says politely , " Yes , but what does it do ? "
7 Do you think Maureen would like one ?
8 Do you reckon Carrie 'd like that ?
9 I expect it was one of these walks you know , and Ian found a stick and then he thought Tim would like one .
10 Nobody helped her beyond the poor sad girl at the library to whom she was kind and who now bounded about the romantic fiction section for her , feverishly pulling down titles she thought Kitty would like .
11 I think Protheroe would like to get the occasional report . ’
12 ‘ Very kind of you , Celia , but really I think Anna would like to do it . ’
13 So would you be likely to speak to John saying again would n't like to pressure Jean again but think John would like
14 Fitzormonde stepped away and the bear went back to its meal , shuffling its food into a dirty untidy pile as if it suspected Fitzormonde would like to take it away .
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