Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We will consult widely before finalising proposals .
2 Bishop Sudbury of London managed this convocation , in the absence of Archbishop Whittlesey who was sick , and succeeded eventually in extracting a grant of a tenth .
3 Our own search of 26 mid-nineteenth-century diaries for this book produced little worth noting .
4 I 'll sit there and watch some guy and go , ‘ Man , the work that must have gone into that ! ’ and they 're just whizzing right along making it look easy , but at the same time it does n't make those hairs stand up .
5 That 's what I hate most about keeping my head down .
6 He asks " How are such propositions possible ? " , and his answer is that this can be explained only by assuming that space and time are a priori features of our cognitive constitution , not properties of things in themselves .
7 Anderson argues strongly that such patterns can be explained only by looking at the material advantages and disadvantages of people living together .
8 The device itself is very complex , and its complexity can not be explained only by invoking communicative function ( see Newmeyer 1983 ) .
9 Such celebrations of our art should not be limited only to honouring great architects and their buildings , or listening to occasional lectures and debates , but should be a continuous function of our institute .
10 You would not think so after reading the paper by Deborah Tannen , of Georgetown University , whose study of repetition in conversation in Language for 1987 she goes so far as to subtitle ‘ towards a poetic of talk ’ .
11 ‘ He is very much in contention for a first-team place , although he may not think so after playing for the juniors .
12 Sharing in these circumstances clearly differs greatly from sharing in man , where the items shared go mainly to family members or other close kin .
13 The critical consensus about The Sycamore Tree was that it is good when it is light and witty but that it ‘ sinks under a mass of elaboration ’ ( Allen 1958:500 ) , and that Brooke-Rose 's effort to add depth to her characters succeeded only in getting them ‘ thoroughly bogged down ’ ( TLS 1958:557 ) .
14 Doubters , sceptics and Benthamites sought to dissolve the mystery in the clear light of reason , but succeeded only in creating a vacuum that was equally disturbing .
15 This bad timing is typical for Deirdre , who once tried to kill a faithless lover with an ashtray , but succeeded only in setting the hotel room on fire .
16 Leaning back in a comfortable armchair , a glass of frosted lime juice in his hand , Hawkins succeeded only in giving the impression of a man with all the time in the world .
17 Dunlop elected to punch a cross from Steve Staunton , but succeeded only in presenting the ball to Ronnie Whelan , who drilled it back past him from 18 yards .
18 It reacted to the crime , and its attempts to suppress it succeeded only in forcing cattle stealers to adjust to administrative policies .
19 In fact they deserved every sympathy but they succeeded only in making themselves look obstructive and unreconstructed , relics of the pre-meritocratic days before the Heineken League , which of course they fought until the last ditch was so full of water they had to jump out .
20 When Lizzie tried to make Cinderella curtsey she succeeded only in crossing the puppet 's feet , and she started to laugh ; then , laying the puppet down , she said , ‘ But of the three , you know , I think I like Buttons ; he 's so appealing . ’
21 The crack of his first shot succeeded only in raising a screeching flock of parrots from the trees behind him and the heard ran on unharmed .
22 He tried to stop it but succeeded only in propelling it across the line .
23 They can reproduce vegetatively by budding off asexually to form daughter polyps in the same manner as a plant grows .
24 In order to maintain the authority of the teacher or librarian and to make pupils aware that microcomputers do not exist merely for playing games but have a wider range of educational applications , it is important for the librarian or teacher to have basic knowledge of microcomputers .
25 If a group of young people , from all races , all countries and bearing all creeds were gathered together after having been introduced to the concept of the Created God , and were able to set aside , for the time being , their own taught beliefs , they would find that they had been offered an area of religious discussion which would be on completely neutral ground .
26 Details are given below under Teaching , but it is worth mentioning here the training course in French law at the University of Aix/ Marseille , for which scholarships have for some years been offered by the Cultural Service of the French Embassy , 22 Wilton Crescent , London SW1 .
27 She ducked her head in , and tried to go deeper before making towards the fallen flare .
28 If the farmer could eliminate all other factors and concentrate only on managing his leys ( and the soil on which they grow ) he might succeed in minimizing the effect of the ‘ years of depression ’ and maintain the new grasses and clovers for a very long time .
29 The fresh supply of specialists pouring out each year can be altered only by restructuring American medical education , but the intensity of services provided by existing specialists could be altered by any of the strategies described — practice guidelines , global budgets , or managed competition .
30 Cabinet Ministers struggle into dinner jackets that have seen better days ( so , too , do their detectives ) , their wives sit long before dressing tables applying powder and paint .
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