Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [verb] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , Falkenhayn never attempted to break through the enemy lines — so far the sole tactic attempted by both sides — but planned rather to bleed France white by attacking that which the French nation would not tolerate being taken .
2 In the ensuing public row ( front-page news for weeks in France ) , Berge eventually sacked Barenboim , yet the conductor won the backing of the entire international music community for his stand against bureaucratic interference .
3 One of them came to see Right Said Fred in Los Angeles and there was lighthearted talk of a collaboration .
4 This autumn Heavenly records will release ‘ The Fred EP ’ on which St Etienne , Flowered Up and the Rockingbirds perform ‘ I 'm Too Sexy ’ , ‘ Do n't Talk Just Kiss ’ and ‘ Deeply Dippy ’ respectively ( all royalties , including Right Said Fred 's publishing money , is going to the Terence Higgins Trust ) .
5 All proceeds from the EP , including Right Said Fred 's publishing royalties , are to be donated to the Terrence Higgins Trust .
6 Wishart secretly mourned Alexander .
7 The British Chiropractic Association estimates that backpain alone costs UK business £3.5bn a year in lost production
8 Widdel and colleagues propose a third mechanism , the use of ferrous iron as the reductant in light-driven CO 2 fixation by anaerobic bacteria using only photosystem I. Such a pathway is energetically favoured , and its existence is now substantiated by Widdel and co-workers .
9 The attack has bitterly disappointed Thames Valley police , who were hopeful that the disturbances which plagued the estate last year had virtually vanished .
10 He has since recorded Philip Glass 's Facades for Virgin Classics and appeared regularly with London orchestras .
11 Stuart , who left Middlesbrough and Cleveland Harriers in November and has since joined Sale , is entered for the 100 metres as well as her main event , the 200 metres .
12 He has since visited Chernobyl and the sarcophagus built to contain what remains of reactor no.4 .
13 She worked in munitions in the war , and has since visited Berlin many times .
14 Mystery Reproductive Syndrome ( MRS ) was first detected in Germany in January and has since reached Belgium and the Netherlands .
15 Having bought it under expectations of strong profits , TVS has since discovered MTM is making losses of £20million .
16 Having bought it under expectations of strong profits , TVS has since discovered MTM is making losses of £20million .
17 He has since painted Prince William 's christening and Prince Charles himself , and the portraits all hang in pride of place in the privacy of Kensington Palace and Highgrove .
18 Anastasia Malinoff trained at Webber Douglas and has since played Juliet , Lady Macduff , Jessica and Isabella at St George 's Theatre in London , taken part in plays by Shaw and O'Neill at the Café Theatre in Frankfurt and the Vienna English-Speaking Theatre , played Hamlet ( ! ) in a production that toured England and , at the time of going to press , is on a British Council tour of the Far East .
19 To put the implementation entirely at the door of Mr Tomalin , who has since left Tokyo to take a key position in our head office , is nonsense .
20 He has since left BP to sign up for an American company in Oklahoma .
21 Yesterday Cameron Mackintosh , who as producer has successfully taken Les Mis around the globe , described the moment the musical 's Manchester premier came to a grinding and inglorious halt .
22 Henry Weldon , a New York collector of Staffordshire pottery , has successfully sued Lindsay Antiques , London , for a refund of the £435,000 plus 15% interest which he spent on items of Staffordshire pottery from 1988 .
23 Reports says DEC has successfully run IBM 's CICS on-line transaction processing monitor on the Alpha RISC in its labs : the company says there are now over 2,000 applications being ported to the environment .
24 An economist and member of the European Parliament ( EP ) , Carvalhos was expected eventually to succeed Cunhal .
25 That Husameddin , perhaps unluckily , has wholly misrepresented Ibn Hajar is incontrovertible , however .
26 Like the other bands , the Rockingbirds have yet to meet Right Said Fred .
27 Keen to give the new government of his state a chance to work , he has politely rebuffed Mr Annuar .
28 In practical terms , the gates and fence probably have little advantage over the waist-high barrier and high-profile police presence which has effectively sealed Downing Street from the public for eight years .
29 Mada Joyce bent ponderously to feel Hyacinth 's brow and the child 's eyes fluttered open .
30 He is also believed to be embarrassed that one person should be earning so much when the recession and heavy unemployment has badly affected Coventry and the surrounding area .
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