Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] that a " in BNC.

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1 A shop assistant promised me that a head torch would ‘ bring me down off the mountain after dark ’ .
2 It amazes me that a pair of shoes made in the north of England can cost more in common currency in London than that same pair of shoes shipped 3,000 miles to New York .
3 ‘ We regret to have to inform you that a further breach has now come to our attention and we are instructed by our clients to write to you about it .
4 I am pleased to inform you that a place has been reserved for you on the above course .
5 She sounded perversely proud of her increased value , and again I thought it best not to inform her that a bubblehead like Donna could earn twice that fee in a single night .
6 What possible sense can there be in a legal rule , for example , which has it that a woman is presumed fertile even though she is past menopause or has undergone a hysterectomy operation ?
7 ( Rumour has it that a diet of Scottish scones and cookies can alleviate some of the effects of lead .
8 Somewhere in the middle of the fifteenth century , legend has it that a little girl was tending sheep here when a young lady came to play with her .
9 But rumour has it that a sevens tournament is going to be organised in Moscow in September to decide who takes over the Soviet place : Russia , Ukraine , Georgia , Latvia or Kazakhstan .
10 Legend has it that a real giant terrorised the locals .
11 I mean the I mean , like , I mean , people say it that a personality makes up for like , looks or whatever , and with hi , he 's the only person I 've ever met where it really really does !
12 It becomes a great pleasure to read this passage , another justification of those who assured me that A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland remains one of the fundamental works in the literature of travel .
13 The hon. Member for West Bromwich , East ( Mr. Snape ) assured me that a Labour Secretary of State would be bound by the timetable that he proposes for public Bill procedures .
14 He also told them that a thin palladium wire , only ¼ inch in diameter and an inch long , had reached the boiling point of water within a few minutes , that the wire produced about 26 watts of energy per cm 3 , ‘ about four and a half times what we put into it ’ and that in an early stage of the experiments the apparatus suddenly heated up to an estimated 5000 degrees , vaporising a block of palladium , destroying a fume cupboard and damaging the concrete floor .
15 She told them that a man had knocked on the door of her home in Hereford claiming to be from the council .
16 ‘ My father told me that a woman 's body odour was the sexiest smell in the world . ’
17 The idea for this book began in the back of a taxi , the night a friend told me that a famous Scottish football manager had enjoyed rampant sex in a television studio with a well known TV presenter .
18 MH : I remember somebody told me that a member of the public asked that question and was told it could be either five minutes or 40 years !
19 I opened the front door , and the merest sniff — choking and sulphuric — told me that a chimney was on fire , and it was n't ours .
20 Our GP told me that a drug called Dexamethazone , although in no way a cure , would probably help Nigel 's state of mind by reducing the pressure of the growth on his brain .
21 Then he walked over and told me that a Corporal from the Foreign Legion recruiting office at Lille would come to pick me up in two hours ; until then I was free to go for a walk and get something to eat .
22 At a bridge above the fall a friendly sign said " Keep out , private property " , while another sign told me that a bull was loose with cattle in the field I had to cross .
23 ( A screw told me that a prison regulation stated that there should only be two chairs for every three women . )
24 One of those accused told me that a proper legal defence cost him only £140.00 with legal aid , which he got back because they won .
25 Posi then told me that a comm-call was coming in from the Famlio ship , but I told her to ignore it .
26 Seddon also told me that a team of telephone engineers had already started work to improve the service to Foulness .
27 Then she got more excited and told me that a Mrs Boatman had called from the National Insurance and was ever so attractive and charming .
28 Simon told me that a school
29 If someone told you that a major ensemble of some twenty bronzes has recently been permanently installed in a public park hard by Wall St and that its subject is an allegory of greed , would you believe it ?
30 He told him that a mitre could be a candle-snuffer .
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