Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] at a " in BNC.

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1 laughing up their sleeves , ca n't even bloody sell anything , but sell them at a profit .
2 I first met them at a trial .
3 He led them at a smart pace along the path where the railway had been and though they grumbled about the branches scratching their legs his sister and his brothers followed him .
4 The rest clambered into their saddles , and followed him unquestioningly as he led them at a canter downslope to where the hills opened out and patches of ground could be seen where the snow was melting .
5 My results were received with general disbelief when I announced them at a conference near Oxford .
6 One of the lads asked me at a dance how I had earned my living before I had got married .
7 Hawkins , a Devon merchant , had seen that the demand for slaves from Africa was increasing in South America , and in 1562 he sailed — in the way many Englishmen were to do in the seventeenth and eighteenth century — to West Africa , bought slaves , took them to the Caribbean ports , and sold them at a profit .
8 And he h He sold them at a profit of thirty three and a third percent which is a third .
9 Their one hundred and fifty ton heavy life crane would have coped with that job easily enough but I hastily declined his offer which , apart from any other consideration would have placed me at a slight disadvantage .
10 I got them at a craft fair at farm .
11 BECAUSE DUDLEY MOORE has been told to turn up at his restaurant at Venice Beach , California at 2.30 pm to tell me his version of the story of his life , then Dudley Moore more or less dudleys into his restaurant at Venice Beach , California and joins me at a corner table where I 've been waiting to hear his story .
12 Environmental Issues is your magazine , and anything and everything is considered for inclusion , so do ring , write , fax or grab me at a conference ( well not literally ! ) with your information .
13 I think he caught me at a vulnerable moment , when I was more worried about myself than I am now .
14 ‘ I 'm so sorry , Veronica , you caught me at a bad moment , ’ Loretta said apologetically .
15 Mind you can always say to you caught me at a bad time , you say , it 's supposed to have appointment only , but just say , can you , is there any chance of you coming back .
16 They want management to trust them at a distance .
17 But remember it was Mrs Thatcher , who when she was arguing against the er European Monetary System , said you ca n't buck the markets , and ultimately that is true , or at least more precisely , you can only buck them at a cost , you can only buck it by buying or selling pounds , which messes up your money supply , or raising or lowering your interest rates at a time when you might not be wanting to do so .
18 You 've caught me at a very late lunch .
19 You want to get to know me at a rate
20 ‘ Oh — have I caught you at a bad time , dear ? ’
21 ‘ I 've obviously caught you at a bad moment .
22 ‘ He has no manners , eats like a peasant , talks like he needs salt on his marrow , and is as free with his smile as a tinker cheating you at a fair on a saint 's day .
23 He told the reporter , who was driven blindfold to meet him at a secret location , that gangsters doused one of his two sons with petrol and threatened to kill them both if he did not co-operate in the theft .
24 Georgiades had asked Owen to meet him at a donkey-vous beside the Ezbekiya Gardens .
25 I think you just caught him at a bad moment .
26 ‘ I know you and Niall did n't exactly get off to a good start , but if it 's any consolation you caught him at a bad time .
27 She felt she had learned nothing about him as a man , that in some secret way he was keeping her at a distance .
28 He 'd laughed at her , teased her , and succeeded in keeping her at a distance .
29 How could he do this to her — forever turning up when he was least expected and always managing to catch her at a disadvantage ?
30 He looked up from the desk , caught her at a moment when , against her will , tears had filled her eyes .
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