Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] to an " in BNC.

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1 Anderson captained Ireland on their short tour of France , led them to an unexpected victory over a French XV and keeps the job now but age and waning powers put a question-mark over his selection for the team at all .
2 They had a vaporised block that led them to an idée fixe about test-tube fusion being real .
3 I mean I could choose not to do an album , but when they asked me to an album that was exciting to say yes .
4 ‘ The warder came and told me to dress and led me to an officer of the court , ’ the small , self-effacing lawyer recalled in an interview on Saturday .
5 Typically then they operate to defeat the title of the unpaid seller ( let us call him C ) who has entrusted his goods to a buyer who , without paying C , has in turn sold them to an innocent purchaser .
6 Mr. Wall argued that the exercise of the discretion which arises as a result of the finding of ‘ acquiescence ’ made by the Court of Appeal , is limited to considering the nature and quality of the acquiescence itself and would not entitle the court to take into account ‘ welfare ’ considerations relating specifically to the children unless the court were able to find that there had been established a grave risk that the return of the children would expose them to an intolerable situation under article 13 ( b ) .
7 It is one thing to assert that a consequence of sustained expansion of demand will be a direct increase in the expected rate of inflation by a process which efficiently circumvents the gradual error learning mechanism posited by adaptive expectations : individuals will have an incentive to search for the origins of their expectational errors and take the steps appropriate to keeping them to an absolute , unavoidable minimum .
8 Or will you also turn your back and walk away , condemning me to an eternity of silence ? ’
9 Lucy spent just three days in intensive care before doctors moved her to an ordinary ward at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital .
10 Members of Leuchars mountain rescue team , who were on an exercise in the area , went to his aid and moved him to an area accessible for the helicopter .
11 His sudden smile transformed him to an astonishing degree , revealing the man behind the remote consultant .
12 Stonehenge still has a very special air in spite of the official attempts to destroy the place ; York Minster has it , and Chartres has it to an incredible extent .
13 As Guthrie foresaw and wrote to me after attending an early performance : I feel confident that Gloriana will survive and be considered a great work … that disastrous miscalculation of opening it to an audience and on an occasion that required an all-star Iolanthe will set it back twenty years .
14 The prosecutor may decide to terminate the case , treat it as délit or , exceptionally , send it to an examining magistrate .
15 The primary task of monetary policy is to fight inflation , keeping it to an acceptable level .
16 On appeal by the taxpayers , the Appellate Committee having heard the appeal but before judgment referred it to an enlarged Appellate Committee to determine the question whether the existing exclusionary rule relating to the construction of statutes should be relaxed so as to enable Hansard to be consulted as an aid to construction : —
17 This has committed it to an inevitable struggle with the Palestinians for control of policy on the Palestine question and , by extension , for control of Jordan itself .
18 In Sybil he had rejoined his past but he transplanted it to an artistic suburb of London which had been the haunt of legendary highwaymen , was now the roost of exiles and writers and only fifteen minutes from the West End theatre .
19 The wicked Dr Mamuk has stolen the secret plans for a virtual reality chamber and is trying to sell them to an alien race .
20 Despite this , on the marshy peat fens , even limited traffic reduced them to an impassable morass for long periods of the year .
21 In this sense one is neutral only if one can affect the fortunes of the parties and if one helps or hinders them to an equal degree and one does so because one believes that there are reasons for so acting which essentially depend on the fact that the action has an equal effect on the fortunes of the parties .
22 ( 27 November 1777 ) Among his complaints were that Mozart and his mother had stayed too long in Munich and Augsburg using up their money on lodging expenses without having any means of earning money , that Mozart was not keeping him fully apprised of exactly where his plans lay , how he was proposing to get from one place to another and by which route and when , that he was not keeping up with his composition , nor arranging to have existing works copied so that he could present them to an influential Prince or noble , and that he had not taken the right sorts of composition with him — too many symphonies and not enough church music .
23 In the face of such evidence it was a little difficult for at least some of the non-poor to accept that such conditions should continue and that free enterprise could bring them to an end largely unassisted .
24 ‘ May I refer you to an unimpeachable authority : Mr John Camden Hotten , author of a biography of Dickens , and also , he paused impressively , a life of Thackeray , refers to it in 1870 as Bleak House .
25 To lead you to an overwhelming question …
26 The rapist approached the 17-year-old waitress in a bus station at Holmfirth , West Yorks , and subjected her to an hour-long ordeal .
27 And when the great gentleman detective got hold of the village postman and subjected him to an interrogation which ranged from what he had eaten for breakfast to whether or not he possessed a wireless set and if so what he had listened to on the previous morning , Sergeant Bramble maintained a stoic countenance .
28 He was a file-grinder by trade , sitting astride a roaring belt-driven stone wheel , breathing in dust for eight hours a day until chronic bronchitis and pneumoconiosis drove him to an early retirement .
29 Simmons signalled her to an empty chair on the fringe of the disputatious group , and walked round the back of the table to take a chair opposite .
30 The Liberal set-back in 1895 cost him his seat , and his chronic hay fever directed him to an urban constituency .
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