Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] take [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Second , Compact involves students in setting and monitoring their own goals and hence encourages them to take responsibility for their own success or failure .
2 Why did n't you want me to take notes anymore ? ’
3 Do you want me to take advantage of it ? ’
4 Do you want me to take cuttings of it ? .
5 The brothers ' opulent and sybaritic lifestyle soon made them take chances .
6 And he put his sons to read , that they might be of the better understanding , and he made them take arms , and be shown how to demean themselves in battle , and to be huntsmen .
7 A small number said that pressure of work made them take risks .
8 Encourage regular visits to the lavatory , help the person take their mind off their depression by encouraging them to take part in the activities of the Home .
9 A LEADING independent accountant has warned funeral directors against misleading claims encouraging them to take advantage of a tax loophole which could see them reclaiming up to 7,200 per year in VAT .
10 They visited the homes of the women , talked to husbands , fathers and fathers-in-law who did not want them to take part in any struggle , and they urged the women themselves to assert themselves .
11 I told her that what she said was a load of bollocks , and one thing led to another and my mum told me she was n't allowing me to take Natasha with me .
12 It is not a master plan for member states or for the development of Europe , but it will provide a useful reference for member states and others to enable them to take decisions with due regard to the European dimension .
13 ‘ I propose therefore that Customs should be given some discretion to mitigate the penalties for some misdeclarations , to enable them to take account of the individual circumstances of the trader . ’
14 Some crispers now have sufficient controlled environment storage to enable them to take delivery of most of their supplies at harvest time .
15 ‘ Much to my surprise and delight , sure enough in ‘ 84 he contacted me and asked me to take part in the Mozart ‘ Coronation ’ Mass to be performed in front of the Pope the following year .
16 It was a rebellion which led me to take wife and kids from the suburbs into the peace of the countryside .
17 Thank you , WOMAN , for helping me to take pride in myself again , by giving away a free lipstick and perfume recently .
18 Parents are extremely keen to have their children admitted to the college because they want them to take advantage of the excellent education that it offers .
19 Is it that ye ca n't manage the farm with yer Da away , and ye want me to take charge .
20 We try to encourage them to take responsibilioty for themselves , and take part in community problems and wider issues .
21 I must say that the Methodists had the edge when it came to music and poetry , and Granda used to encourage me to take part .
22 They invited me to take part in the next one and I went along with them , having no idea what I was getting in to .
23 Again Agnes 's face screwed up as she said , ‘ And you expect them to take Jessie ? ’
24 She wants me to take Tracy immediately , before the Empress realises no word has reached her from Winchester and enlarges the garrison . ’
25 He wants me to take action .
26 Just on item eight and item nine , Lord Mayor , Community Health N H S Trust and Health N H S Trust , to report the fact that dispensations from the Department of the Environment have rec been received for Councillors and , enabling them to take part in the debate but er not to vote .
27 It proposed a long term strategy to " release the energies of ordinary people by enabling them to take charge of their lives " , noting that agriculture remained the " primary foundation for growth " and emphasizing food security rather than food self-sufficiency .
28 It 's part of a £40,000 prize bonanza to encourage you to take part in the seventh annual Daily Mirror British Video Awards .
29 I should have let you take responsibility for your actions instead of trying to protect you .
30 D' you take sugar ? ’
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