Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 The room , reached this time from the veranda , was just as lovely as she had remembered , and after folding some clothes neatly in drawers and hanging the rest on satin-padded hangers in the wardrobe she fussed for quite some time with the scanty collection of knick-knacks she had brought , trying to arrange them so that they harmonised with the tranquil simplicity of the décor .
2 I do n't think they even thought they would need to do any other sizes and they did n't proportion them so that you could interpolate .
3 It concerned me deeply that the men going back to Burma should have a smattering of the language , especially those who would go in with the Wingate levies into occupied Burma .
4 John wrote at length to Hanns about colour , shapes and general effect desirable , and asked him to ‘ do a few rough sketches and send them to me to give to Cecily ; number them so that I can just send you back a telegram saying ‘ Do number three ’ say , unless there is more to be said . ’
5 we 're prepared to look at the the client reports and change them so that they become as good as we , we can get them .
6 Place them so that air can freely circulate around the back .
7 And you work all of those out so that you just play with them just get to know them so that you 're happy with them .
8 You could use a largely inorganic balanced source like Growmore , and rely on the bulky peat or compost for the organic input , but better still is to use organic matter like sewage sludge , poultry , farmyard and animal manures , blend them to achieve balance both in content and time , and to dry and concentrate them so that they are pleasant to handle and easy to spread .
9 John 's aim had been to frighten them so that they would not again attack Derek .
10 The picture is described as having been formed out of a series of anxious revisions which incorporate all that has preceded them so that there are glimpses of ‘ buried entities ’ to enliven gaps and edges .
11 We see an incredible number of young people , and it worries me immensely that these are people at sixteen who 've been chucked out of their homes , and they are being pushed down by bureaucracy , that they are being penalised for leaving home at sixteen when it is not their own fault , it is the fault of well it is the result of family breakdown that they are being pushed out .
12 ‘ It worries me greatly that Darlington has only one ambulance after 7pm at night . ’
13 This will not necessarily stop the Not-OK feelings but it at least contains them so that they do n't damage the transaction .
14 Look for all these types of web and try to catch the spiders that build them so that you can watch the stages of web-building .
15 And he changed them so that you get , so they 're having one course in and
16 On his return to France he was so enthusiastic about them that he even planted a trial field and let the local population steal them so that they could experience this new vegetable for themselves .
17 In the Soviet Union the party and government bureaucracies issued a mass of rules and regulations — so many , in fact , that sometimes ways had to be found to circumvent them so that the system would not grind to a halt .
18 The plating feeder holds them so that one yarn is always on the purl side and one on the knit side .
19 I mute them so that I can switch two wirelesses on at the same time , because if you have two on together they screech .
20 ‘ You mean it simply did n't cross your mind to inform me yesterday that you have no insurance ? ’
21 So anyway have a look at page fifty six cos I promised you yesterday that I would take you through the verb if you were you know the things you would want to know about .
22 I am pleased to inform you however that the Council the British Association of Sport and Medicine Scotland have persuaded the Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland to include voluntary sports medicine care in the lowest subscription category along with advisory services and ‘ Good Samaritan ’ work .
23 ‘ I want to inform you now that [ my government ] will oppose approval of the draft oilseed accord by all means agreed between member states . ’
24 She was a complete recluse , but one of us somehow got to know her so that he could come and count the nests in the heronry and explore the island .
25 I offered to escort her so that she could make assignations with Rizzi .
26 The carer stands with her legs on either side of the patient 's knees , places her hands under the patient 's seat , pulls his body-weight forward and in one movement lifts his pelvis and pivots him so that he sits down onto the chair .
27 Considering the tenoning half of his design , I modified it so that it could quickly accommodate a different pair of blocks for each differently angled tenon .
28 Rostov rocked back to sit on his heels and the gold on the floor reflected his face , distorting it so that it was not recognisable .
29 For both Kung ( 1981 ) and Lyotard , art moves within the area between man 's capacity to conceive an idea and his ability to create an artefact that evokes or articulates it so that one of art 's more important roles is the symbolization of what does not yet exist .
30 Once you know your daily calorie intake it is easy to adjust it so that you gain or lose weight .
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