Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 Nancy enjoyed seeing them and an occasional painter or writer who asked to renew acquaintance with Arnold 's collection .
2 Corbett was nodding in agreement when a knock at the door interrupted them and a short , dumpy figure entered .
3 Instead , they ask users to return their disks for upgrade , and will notify them that an upgrade is in the offing .
4 I was on my way to the bank with £7,000 when a masked gang , carrying guns , attacked me and a friend who was with me .
5 The police were trying to interview them and a TV reporter was talking into a camera , his face lit with a bright light .
6 It angers me that an insurance company attempted to kick us in the teeth when all we were trying to do was protect ourselves . ’
7 But if you could see me , you 'd think me but a sorry object to hobble to an altar .
8 Before long I was promoted to sewing seams , and woe betide me if a stitch showed on the face of the cloth .
9 A shop assistant promised me that a head torch would ‘ bring me down off the mountain after dark ’ .
10 It amazes me that a pair of shoes made in the north of England can cost more in common currency in London than that same pair of shoes shipped 3,000 miles to New York .
11 The reputation of the new drugs had preceded them and a ripple of optimism ran through the sanatorium , though Doctor Staples had been careful to stress that they were still in the experimental stage .
12 I have receipts signed by Meyer in the safe — he did n't want to provide them but a little arm-twisting works wonders .
13 Well they interest me because a lot of them are about , about the army and no , no , pretty far ranging , army , navy , but er , a lot of them about India er but he a , he certainly a criticized the er , the powers of being , you know , in the er , you know in the Boer War , the Great War and you know , and up to the thirties .
14 ‘ We regret to have to inform you that a further breach has now come to our attention and we are instructed by our clients to write to you about it .
15 I am pleased to inform you that a place has been reserved for you on the above course .
16 She sounded perversely proud of her increased value , and again I thought it best not to inform her that a bubblehead like Donna could earn twice that fee in a single night .
17 ‘ I 'm not exonerating him but a lot of refs would have maybe done it differently . ’
18 Gen. Martin Bonnet , the Army Chief of Staff , was reported on Oct. 31 to have filed a petition to the government for his retirement and to have requested that his Deputy Chief of Staff Gen. Martin Balza replace him until a successor was appointed .
19 In June the chairman of the opposition Birlik organisation , Abdurakhim Pulatov , needed emergency hospital treatment for skull fractures after four men beat him and a companion with metal bars as they left an interview at a police station in the capital Tashkent .
20 The Nuremberg Trials lifted the scales from the eyes of many Germans , and later OMGUS surveys reported that only one in eight ( 12 per cent ) of those questioned in the American Zone recalled trusting Hitler as Leader up to the end of the war , while 35 per cent claimed never to have trusted him and a further ( 6 per cent to have kept faith in him only until the outbreak of war .
21 What possible sense can there be in a legal rule , for example , which has it that a woman is presumed fertile even though she is past menopause or has undergone a hysterectomy operation ?
22 ( Rumour has it that a diet of Scottish scones and cookies can alleviate some of the effects of lead .
23 Somewhere in the middle of the fifteenth century , legend has it that a little girl was tending sheep here when a young lady came to play with her .
24 But rumour has it that a sevens tournament is going to be organised in Moscow in September to decide who takes over the Soviet place : Russia , Ukraine , Georgia , Latvia or Kazakhstan .
25 Legend has it that a real giant terrorised the locals .
26 One acne theory has it that an enzyme deficiency permits testosterone ( the male sex hormone present in both men and women ) to run riot , allowing it to be converted within the skin into a by-product called dihydrotestosterone ( DHT ) which over-stimulates the sebaceous glands .
27 Word has it that an unlikely combination of forces have come together in a bid to establish a new standard for installing Unix software from graphical user interfaces and will be showing their stuff next month 's Uniforum show in San Francisco .
28 Legend has it that an age of peace will follow the return of the Stone to its rightful place .
29 I was interested to see that the Financial Times and The Spectator picked the same phrase — they described it as a ’ pyrrhic victory ’ .
30 He tried to move one of his hands to touch and soothe it but a great weariness engulfed him suddenly and his hand never reached its destination .
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