Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So I 've said I 've listed them well the important points for me were the Aldershot method the arousal curve and the need for audience content .
2 Below , on the terrace , Marie Claire had heard me open the windows .
3 The tongue acts as a pump , helping to suck in small forms of water-life and squeeze them down the throat .
4 Unlike the mothers of some of the other children , her mother came to see them quite a lot , and she remembers it not being so bad — " once you get used to it , it 's just like your home " .
5 Maxine came to see me again the following week and we began the follow-up treatment , along the lines of those which you will find detailed in the ‘ case histories ’ sections of this book .
6 However , when you lay them down the first card is laid on the M of mutus and the second on the m of nomen .
7 You can buy them one day and bring them back the next
8 How did it affect them then the , the altitude , did it ?
9 Who said I 'll answer me up the end and we can see how we go .
10 Harvest the seeds in July-August by cutting the seedheads just before the first seeds start to fall , and hanging them over a tray in a dry airy place .
11 She went straight into the kitchen , and automatically made them both a cup of coffee , a mutual family ritual when one of them went out to a meeting .
12 They were supervised by a Miss Walker who , although she could not dance , also watched over their dances and made them up every night .
13 The duties attached to some of these appointments were not too arduous , which made them all the more attractive to a landed gentleman with other interests but a great desire for an increased income .
14 Tribesmen might indeed be benighted savages , but they could still stir the liberal conscience — especially when their very primitiveness and simplicity made them all the more vulnerable to exploitation by unscrupulous Europeans .
15 Always small things , nothing she could have a qualm about accepting , which made them all the more delightful .
16 Their small majority made them all the more conscious of the problems they needed to surmount to win the next election .
17 After they had eaten , her mother let Caro make them both a cup of tea .
18 He also designed a bed that could be raised up and down and told Pat to go to the patent office with the plan which would make them both a fortune .
19 These emerged as the movement represented by the Enlightenment itself became more self-critical and less brashly confident in its own rationalism ; but that does not make them any the less significant or challenging for theology .
20 This would make them respectively the first and fifth most popular tourist arractions in the world , with the ones in between being the three existing Disney theme parks .
21 Léger was shown the works of Picasso and Braque in 1910 by Kahnweiler and met them later the same year .
22 The Half House met them round a corner , and Mary Rose exclaimed .
23 Joan that 's right , I met them down the town in Torquay
24 The Secretary led them up a marble staircase , to the first floor ; then along a lofty corridor with a moulded cornice , to the back of the building .
25 Barak led them up a narrow concrete path to the unpainted door and opened it .
26 Lady Horne led them up a stone-vaulted passageway into a comfortable but cold solar .
27 Von Karajan made some loose , ethereal movement which the strings understood and the first fiddle led them up the sweep .
28 Gloria led them along a brick path , across a cobbled courtyard , past outhouses and a dripping water butt , then into the big house and along many passages .
29 They must have walked for about another ten minutes and could glimpse the blue wood-smoke rising above the trees from Godstowe village when suddenly the porter stopped , turned left , and led them along a narrow beaten trackway into the forest .
30 It was he who held the troops together in their communal dormitory , and it was he who led them out the next morning .
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